With a sigh, Eun-mi watched as her new roommate left the room and go about his own business. She looked down at the hangers before walking out to the front door and tossing them into a new pile in the hallway. A few seconds later she was back with a piece of paper covered in large writing. [b][u]Mystery Hangers:[/u] Who owns these?[/b] A few more of her new neighbors were entering their apartments and she hoped that MAYBE one of them would take these hangers off her hands finally. If not...well she didn't know what to do then. A new art project maybe? The idea didn't appeal to her, but it was at least something. She quickly returned to her room and continued cleaning, eager to get the mess out of the way. Meanwhile, Darthun was wrapping up his swim session. He easily climbed out of the pool, shaking off like a dog and sending water flying everywhere. He flicked his tongue a few times, tasting the air for Eun-mi but to no avail. Confused to where she now was he began his way back to the entrance, but stopped when he noticed the same wild growth outside as his owner did earlier. Flicking his tongue again he could sense magic. He walked a bit further and found a cracked doorway. The strong scent of grass and flowers drew him outside. The weeds and grasses gently brushed against his scales as he walked further from the building. As he grew closer he could smell a girl and a dragon nearby. But where were they? Once he reached the very edge of the growth he stopped. It was too thick for a hatchling such as himself to enter. Darthun paced back and forth for a few minutes, trying once to pull on the thick vines with his teeth before stopping. He let out a huff and bit again, the vine was tough, but snapped after a few minutes of chewing. The urge to know what was within the center of the growth drew him, so once again he tried. Snap! Snap! Vines continued to give way but soon Darthun grew tired. He took another step forward, but then suddenly fell. A vine had caught his leg, but now he had to strength to free himself. Exhausted and missing Eun-mi, he began to give a low whine. Maybe someone would hear him, he hoped. He laid there and rested, but every once in a while he would whine and hope his companion would help him.