Perrin took out a large water-skin from his pack and let out a bit of a shrug. Seemed everything was dealt with and already resolved or being resolved, nothing particularly concerning that he should shift his attention upon at the time. Letting out a bit of a shrug as the creature was already defeated and others were quick to deal with its remains and scavenge among them, Perrin simply drank from the water-skin and let whom or whatever simply pass on by for the most part. What was in the water-skin would remain a major mystery that the answer to would never be known to those who didn’t have hold of it. Taking a moment to realize the bit of the attack that occurred a grin formed somewhat crossed his lips. “Maybe a bargain a partial refund for the attack on this trip.” Perrin chuckled to himself as a bit of a joke, not planning to ask for such. He already paid pretty low amount for the trip , which or more or less reflected the conditions of the ship. It seemed the few nearest on the ship of whom Perrin didn’t know whether or not they were simple passengers or crewmates were the ones dissecting and messing with the corpse of the creature. Out of curiosity, Perrin would watch, how one would prepare or deal with the massive fire entity. Perrin was somewhat interested and surprised to see that the creature’s organs appeared like normal flesh when the surface was pulled back enough and apparently edible as well! He would briefly squat down near the few and look over to Hitori with curiosity. “How does it taste exactly?” Perrin would ask rather trying to take more mental notes and observations for later. Downing more from the water skin he had prepared. “Not burnt is it? Don’t think it would be seeing the creature is of fire, hrm… guess it wasn’t scalding hot as you’re already eatin’ the thing.”