Throwing this down before I finish up Reyne and Wyl. [color=4863A0][sub][ ⚔ ] P O V s[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75][hider=Lady Meifang Bu] [center][color=4863A0][h3]M E I F A N G B U[/h3][i]“A fox borrows the tiger's might.”[/i][/color] [img][/img][/center] [color=4863A0][sub][ ⚔ ] O R I G I N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]135 AC, Yin [sub][ Yi Ti ][/sub][/color][/indent] [color=4863A0][sub][ ⚔ ] R E P U T A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]— From Yi Ti. — One of several prizes Lord Harlaw returned with following his most recent reaving. — Has a sword, a jian of Yi Ti make that she claims is as old as the Valyrian Freehold. — Has seven retainers who are sworn to her and as a byproduct, Lord Harlaw. [/color][/indent] [color=4863A0][sub][ ⚔ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Standing at 5’0”, perhaps Meifang would be an unassuming sight in Westeros if the woman wasn’t exotic in nature. With skin of a soft yellow-tan with few wrinkles to slight it, Meifang immediately looks out of place in Westeros and especially so among the Ironborn as few Salt Wives are taken from places further than the Summer Islands. As one of Yi Ti descent, Meifang has narrow eyes and smooth hair as dark as the night ravens that bear messages throughout the world— perhaps even darker. Beyond her conventional appearance it is clear that Meifang has not been assimilated into Ironborn culture yet as she keeps to her Yi Ti-ish cultural roots with rich silk garments and padded accessories; gems of jade and sapphire make are accompanied through amulets and rings but not piercings of any sort. Amongst these robes sits a sheath for a Yi Ti-ish sword, a Jian, of unknown make and age though Meifang believes it to be very old. [/color][/indent] [color=4863A0][sub][ ⚔ ] H I S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Born several years ago in the shadow of a lunar eclipse, Meifang Bu is the de jure heir of her clan and the lands under it after the death of her elder brothers by acts of misfortune. Meifang’s father, Jiang Bu, was an Emperor of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti and was associated with the Azure Dynasty that had succeeded the Grey dynasty several years in the past. For the majority of her life, she would know little outside of the safe sanctuary of Yin much like many other highborn children of her generation, though she tried to always be a fair and just woman in her few interactions with the smallfolk. With several years of a difference between her older siblings, Meifang was the unexpected child. When she was five years old a sickness grasped her mother, taking her away from the world. The sadness she felt was something she didn’t later learn could be filled with distractions such as games of the mind; which is where her affinity for thought and intrigue was immediately discovered. She continued to develop her intellect as time went on, but with her brothers distant from her and her sister several provinces away it left her education on her heartbroken father and the scholars as well as guardians he held as retainers. This, of course, was one of the reasons for her growing ignorance and arrogance as the scholars would teach her one-sided philosophies and by proxy increase her ego and pride through pseudo-answers and superfluous compliments as well as half-truths. It was then in due time that war finally came to Yin as the consequences of an uprising many years prior had finally re-emerged in the form of the presence of her cousin, Huang Bu. However, despite the precedent it set Meifang thought nothing of another “foolish uprising” and believed it to be something of no real concern to her. During this second uprising the young girl found herself concerned with fueling her educational pursuits as well as continuing to win games of logic against her elders. Meifang took some studies in weapon arts as in Yi Ti it was a symbol of pride amongst those of her bloodline but overall she believed the best weapon was the individual’s intellect rather than the sword. As the weeks turned into months, the shadows of the uprising seemed fiercer than ever before and the realm began to shift. Huang Bu’s regicide of the main line of the dynasty holds many stories— they say his wrath summoned a demon, that his sword was demonic in nature, that he himself was a demon in human clothes, or that he simply was a man that fought like a demon. Whichever the truth is, Meifang survived as she heard the screams of her father and the majority of his guard as he sent her out with seven trusted confidants to safeguard his daughter from harm. These seven would attempt to guide Meifang as they traveled off the beaten path as their castle was set aflame while the group took ship to Qarth. Upon arriving in Qarth she met with many sailors to continue her journey westward to the Free Cities; where she could hope to recover far enough away from her cousin’s reach as he very much likely considering her a threat. However, her and her retainers were low on coin and especially less on favor— the people of Qarth had heard of the events of Yi Ti and began distancing themselves from any Yi Ti-ish that asked for their ships out of fear for their own personal interests. It wasn’t until Meifang met a Westerosi of House Harlaw that she finally found some voyage to the Free Cities and in particular, Lys. The circumstances of this meeting is unknown, but it is likely that Harlaw won out in some way or other as instead of remaining in Qarth or leaving to Lys or Voltanis it would be Westeros where she would find herself next. Only Meifang and the Harlaw know for sure. [/color][/indent] [/hider] [/color][/indent]