[center][@DFTBA][h2][color=ff9966] Tsura Eisenhardt[/color][/h2] [url= http://cdn-imageresize.mocospace.com/servlet/ImageResizeServlet?as=t&q=8&cd=-1&cq=.75&pj=t&w=480&h=480&f=photoalbum_500413235_user42227160-1-jpg.jpg]Picture[/url] [/center] It was while speaking to Rebekah that the area around her was plunged into darkness which caused Tsura to react. Her first choice was to go into Infrared but as it was associated with heat decided to lower her reflective frequency below 400 nanometers into the ultra violet so that she wouldn't blind anyone. Then she quickly increased her candela till her radiant intensity went well past 2 million. To those around her that couldn't see into the ultra violet nothing happened but for those that could the sweet young blonde had become a figure of pure light that burned with intensity as bright as two noonday suns. This was not an attack but her most powerful active sense and it revealed a world in chaos as far as visible light was concerned; it was an illusion. Internally Tsura giggled as she recalled her mother's annoyance and amusement when she had discovered her daughter to see the world as layers of reflected light. To Tsura illusions made those layers to either shimmer at the edges or appear as if reflected through turbulent clear water. So she grows brighter in the visible light spectrum testing the illusion's ability to adapt to vulgar alteration as she glows as brightly as a stage spot and pulses in rapid flashes of color. [color=ff9966]"Sure it's a roll of the dice but you can't win if you don't play!"[/color] she thinks before moving close to Rebekah [color=yellow]# Flaw Notice Intangible Energy Form Tsura can't hear or speak while in energy form. She is still effected by telepathy [/color]