[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/66Aq74J.png[/img][/center][center][h1][color=f6a486] Caitlyn Dunnst [/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Caitlyn sat back and wiped her brow with the cleaner of her two gloves as she admired her work so far. Rows and rows of adorable little flowers peeped back, they looked a bit rough now but it in a couple of days it would seem as if they'd always been here. Helping to get the school grounds ready for the festival was proving to be much harder work than she'd imagined when she signed up to the gardening club. She glanced breifly at the next spot, it was already dug but the potted plants were still in storage and her bag of soil was practically empty, she'd need to get another one of those too. Caitlyn pulled off her left glove to check the time. She'd been transplanting for much longer than she had intended, it didn't even feel that long ago she'd told Mayumi that she'd be finished[/i]. Oh well, time to get cleaned up. She hung up her overalls and put her tools back in the shed, making very sure to lock up properly after she'd finished. Club activities done for the day, Caitlyn could retreat to the quiet of the girls dorms to finish getting the remainder of dirt off her and maybe squeeze in some time on DGO before dinner, she was super excited for hitting level 4 and picking a new feat, compared to the last level the choice she made was really going to define how she played. What she really should have been doing was brushing up on her Japanese, she'd been speaking Japanese just as long as anyone else here but she'd barely had the practice they'd have growing up. She could do it later, there would be time to test her vocab when everyone has signed off. Plus she really need to get those mats exchanged for EXP, they were no use to her while her- Caitlyn turned down a corridor to find a pile up occuring in front of the News Club, complete with onlookers. Among them was Micheal Davis and Nagato-dono and even Miss Harper could be heard from inside, with others. Miss Harper had every reason to be there, she was a large donor to the club, but Nagato? Was he here to get an edge on the competition before he gave out his orders for the festival? Unfortunately it seemed as if she wouldn't find out, a member of the club was ushering them in. Thanks to all the commotion that preceded her arrival she'd barely been noticed and once they'd all been gathered into the club she'd easily be able to just get on with her day, but then she wouldn't find out why 3/5 of the coloured kings were having secret meetings with News Club. She could try to inject herself into the situation, senpai didn't have much back up here, but that just lead to cringy, awkward moments she'd never live down. Her last option was she could eavesdrop, there was barely anyone left in the school building so she wouldn't likely get caught by a passer by, but if she drew the attention of anyone inside... She could pretend she was just messaging someone? It was too dangerous. She'd just have to walk past pretending that nothing was going on, even though she [b]desperately[/b] wanted in on it too.