[b][h3][center][color=orangered]~[/color][color=darkorange]~[/color][color=gold]~[/color][color=orangered]L[/color][color=darkorange]a[/color][color=gold]i[/color][color=orangered]n[/color][color=darkorange]i[/color][color=gold]e[/color][color=orangered]~[/color][color=darkorange]~[/color][color=gold]~[/color][/center][/h3][/b] [@FallenTrinity] [color=orangered]"Hotter, huh?"[/color] Lainie stood with her shoulders back, her head high. [color=orangered]"No problem."[/color] Why did she usually suppress this side of herself? Why did she want to be that scared little mouse, when she could be so much more? Her fingertips took on a fierce glow, and the flame shot up higher, turning from golden to white. [color=orangered]"This good enough for you?"[/color] The water can fell to the ground, the lid coming off, contents hissing and steaming as they sloshed everywhere. A blaze of red, gold and white danced all around. Lainie's grin widened. This was who she was supposed to be... She yelped. The fireball was raging out of control, the heat radiating from it searing her hand and arm. Her surge of confidence gave way to panic. Gritting her teeth, she tried to diminish the flames, but as soon as they shrank, they sprang up again. Come on, concentrate, she told herself, recalling what she'd been taught by more trustworthy people. Finally, the fire died down to nothing. Lainie sank to her knees, head drooping with exhaustion. After taking a few shuddering breaths, she managed to speak. [color=lemonchiffon]"I-I'm sorry..."[/color]