[quote=@Willy Vereb] I think you are actually overreacting here quite a bit. Chill, people having arguments is a good thing. It lets us seam over potential stresses and above all, to interact. I really don't like when people freak out for a game actually having debates. Nobody is throwing insults at people or at least not in earnest. Also what's the problem with each people trying for a different style? That's pretty standard in NRPs. Everyone has their own ideas. You can actually reconcile the two with ease using the wonder known as creative writing. Making a story allows you to have so many ways to seam over differences. Same with freeform RPs. The only difference is that both sides have to be willing. [/quote] I realize this was not the intent, but you come off as sort of condescending here. My experience has been very very different from yours, suffice it to say, I've seen arguments kill games, I've been people pulling for different styles kill games. The problem here is the power levels of the styles involved-fact is space opera is gonna stomp on realistic fantasy, and I doubt the realistic fantasy players want to be stomped on. I certainly didn't, and I left when it seemed like it'd inevitably lead to that due to the tech disparity.