[quote=@Willy Vereb] Don't worry, Federation Starfleet doesn't have that many ships. Expect one or a couple of starships fighting your massive fleet. Generally the security of a system can be guaranteed by one decently equipped starship alone. I am kinda going with TOS Star Trek's interpretation of how starships were used. Think of star systems as countries and a starship as a nuclear aircraft carrier. One coasting close to your waters is usually scary enough. [/quote] That's how Federation starships were treated straight up until DS9, when ship got all WWII Pacific Theater. Hell, the TOS Enterprise is explicitly capable of glassing planets. [quote=@Ophidian] Sovet power generation is a....mess of different technologies pulling in different directions. You've got nuclear power-not anyone near the level of the Federation. Think Fallout. Then you've got Tesla power, which at this point works mostly because someone neglected to tell the Soviets it wouldn't work.* And then you have this lovely cocktail of unstable chemicals they use to power so-called "bioreactors". *[i]Ambassador," Max said, "in the course of my life I have more than once been too ignorant to know that something was impossible before I did it anyway. I see no reason to jeopardize that success." — Princeps' Fury[/i] [/quote] The Terran Union uses a lot of nuclear power too, but they're in the processes of making practical antimatter reactors.