[center][b][h3][color=gold]Selene Dubois[/color][/h3][/b] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/21500000/Anime-Witch-just-anime-21530065-425-460.jpg[/img] [sub]"God damn right, you should be [i]scared of me[/i] [b]Who is in [color=red]Control?[/color]"[/b][/sub][/center] [b][color=gold]Full Name:[/color][/b] Selene Dubois [b][color=gold]Nicknames:[/color][/b] Witch/Maiden of the Forest, Selly, [color=red]Folle[/color] [b][color=gold]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=gold]Age:[/color][/b] 24 [b][color=gold]Species:[/color][/b] Witch [b][color=gold]Weapon:[/color][/b] Selene uses the staff shown in her picture and a [url=http://orig08.deviantart.net/d9a1/f/2012/017/3/1/patchy__s_spell_tome_by_primantis-d4mp2jo.jpg]magic tome[/url]. [color=red]Folle uses a [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/darksiders/images/f/f3/The_harvester.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100220044521]scythe[/url] formed from Selene's weapons[/color] [b][color=gold]Abilities:[/color][/b] Selene is a white magic and ice magic user, usually using barrier spells, healing, and ice attacks to injure multiple foes at once. [color=red]When she's Folle, her magic turns to necromancy and black magic. This includes poisoning, curses, and summoning demons and the dead to fight for her.[/color] [b][color=gold]Reason:[/color][/b] Selene is one of the court's healers, and one of the best at that. It angers her that her magic couldn't cure the king, and so she has set off on this quest in a form of making up for her uselessness. She also hopes this cure could heal her own 'illness.' [b][color=gold]Brief Personality && Biography Description:[/color][/b] Selene is a very playful person, like any witch a trickster and a spirit of energy and manipulation. She is very sarcastic and loves to tease people about most everything. Selene isn't really shy or really friendly, she will try to befriend those around her so as not to be awkward but will not reach out to create bonds. Selene prefers to be alone with animals and nature for the most part, because she finds people destructive and careless. Selene has been sent on many missions for the king before, originally recruited at sixteen after being found illegally living amongst the woods near the kingdom and selling potions to travelers. This earned her the nickname "sorcière de la forêt" or "witch of the forest," some preferring to call her a maiden rather than witch. On one mission, she had to break a mirror, a portal to the underworld. This task could only be performed by a witch. During the incantation, something went horribly wrong and Selene was split into two personalities: her true self, and her demonic form. The demon was named Folle, and this split in the royal Mage was hidden from her employers. Ever since then, Selene has lived in fear of Folle and anyone finding out about her. Folle is a crude, sly person. She is incredibly violent, and can go from giggling joyfully to pure anger within seconds. She is highly unstable, and very aggressive. Folle has no friends, and only cares about herself. She is sadistic, and simply insane. When Selene becomes Folle, her hair turns pitch black and her eyes fade into a metallic grey color. Folle only appears when Selene feels extreme sadness, hopelessness, anger, or pain. Folle constantly whispers in Selene's head, and gets louder in her times of doubt. [b][color=gold]Themesong: Control by Halsey[/color][/b] [youtube]https://youtu.be/jGALaVgwdc0[/youtube]