Erika was parting ways with some of her friends down the hallway of the newspaper club rooms. Being unaligned, she wasn't intending to do anything with her class for the culture festival. She'd heard talk of a maid cafe, but aren't those just a little... cliche? In any case, she wouldn't exactly want all the guys in the school to see her flaunting around in a fluffed up skirt all day, much less accidentally bend over a bit too far and show more than she was comfortable with. In her head she was thinking about what she would do later that evening; dungeon hunting with her brother, Hitoru. She passed by several people who all waved her way and in response, she waved back and gave small, curt responses. It was surreal being in the same school and feeling so... Feeling as though she were an entirely new person. At that moment the sound of some items clattering caught her attention and she turned her head, her dark curls bouncing with each step and motion she made. It was then she spotted Micheal Davis assisting some girl she hadn't bothered to learn the name of--or remember, frankly she'd been making friends left and right--and felt a jolt of urgency at the situation. She stopped, her eyes wide, but then quickly regained composure when taking a second glance at the body language. Most definitely, there was nothing romantic going on between them. Knowing this, the bespectacled girl adjusted her glasses and let out a big sigh of relief. She began to approach them with a smile on her face as Thomas attempted to usher the two kings outside the newspaper club room inside. [color=brown]"Since we have so many refreshments, why don't you all come in?"[/color] Thomas said. [color=brown]"If you have business elsewhere, though, I wouldn't want to hold you up."[/color] [color=cornflowerblue]"Actually, if you don't mind,"[/color] Erika said as she got closer and stopped before the green and red king. In her chest, her heart was beating loudly. She smiled warmly at Thomas. [color=cornflowerblue]"I think I do have some business with them before they head inside.... if that's alright with you?"[/color] With her last words, her large baby blue eyes made their way to Micheal's through her thick lenses, a slight blush on her face. [color=39b54a]"If you're trying to get a scoop on Green Guild tactics, stick it where it fits and out of my face pal,"[/color] Kenji said with disdain, already turning away. [color=39b54a]"Media isn't my thing so I'll see you around Red King. And trust me, you'll come around and see it my way,"[/color] he finished, noticing Erika nearby. [color=39b54a]"Oh, and your glasses bimbo is here. Guess she's not dead after all. If you guys really want a news story, maybe focus on the girl who got popular in a week."[/color] That said and done, he left the area with a shrug and hands shoved in his pockets. Though he did notice Caitlyn Dunnst nearby and gave her a nod; a dick he was to anyone who wasn't in his Guild. Michael didn't even sigh, merely helping Hibiki out before turning to see that yes, Erika was in fact alive. [color=ed1c24]"Sure. Whatever you want,"[/color] Michael said, though the shadow of a smirk was on his face. Or maybe it was the lightning? Who knew. The Red King was as short-spoken and enigmatic as ever these days. Without further ado, he beckoned Erika into the room before entering himself. [color=ed1c24]"Don't mind him. He's just salty his ex is here,"[/color] he told Erika, noting the rather sportful grin on Maribel's face as she seemed to be bouncing in her chair with practical ease. Erika made her way into the room and politely waved at all the gathered kings, frankly surprised at the fact that all of them had peacefully gathered--sans the green king and his salty attitude. She hopped up on the table and turned her focus onto Michael for now. [color=cornflowerblue]"You know,"[/color] Erika began with a slight glimmer of amusement in her gaze. [color=cornflowerblue]"For all the crap your guild gave me for being unaligned here you certainly aren't doing much aligning yourself these days. There's some rumors going around you know,"[/color] She propped her legs up on a nearby chair, pushing the bouncy curls out of her face and sliding her glasses down her nose slightly. [color=cornflowerblue]"Is it true that you're going to align with whoever wins at these festival competitions?"[/color] The fact she was so close to Michael at all was driving her nuts. She hid her excitement and profound glee by tightly gripping the side of the table where she sat. [color=6ecff6]"Ahaha, you should totally stop trying to hide your motives Kosuke! It makes you less cute!"[/color] came the equally excited voice of Bel. The Blue King was staring right at the boy asking the question, giving him a toothy grin and a playful wink with her black and red eye. Her interjection had been...random at most, and even Michael was wondering what exaclty she was going off on. Oh, and Erika was trying to be a flirt too. That much was to be expected these days with a complete shift in personality. Bel continued to wag her finger at Kosuke, going off with, [color=6ecff6]"You guys are hilarious. Trying to find out the Black Guild's plans with this festival thing. Like you have any friends with the Strykers Kosuke! Oh, and come on down Caitlyn cause I know you're there too,"[/color] she called out to the girl who just so happened to walk by their club room. But then there was Erika and Bel's grin seemed to widen beyond the point of possibility. As grotesque and disturbing as that sounded, she scooted her chair over to the opposite side of Michael, giving Erika a knowing wink before going on with, [color=6ecff6]"You know you gotta be nice to the ladies right Michael? Wouldn't want any nasty rumors to be flying around the school, am I right?"[/color] She said this all with advancing towards his other side, dangerously close. Soon enough, the Red King was staring straight forward, wondering how he had landed into this situation with two looming girls beside him. Erika was quickly becoming... uncomfortable. She turned to look at the blue king, utterly confused. Soon, the king was pressing up against Michael as well. Frankly, she didn't like it. Especially with the wink. Then it struck her that her odd attitude was... tangibly familiar. All she had wanted to do was talk to Michael and now... Now it felt like her head was pounding. [color=cornflowerblue]"Hey,"[/color] Erika scoot back a little to give the poor red king some breathing room. She looked directly at the Blue King, cocking her head to the side. [color=cornflowerblue]"Whatever you're... trying to do here... I don't think it's very funny."[/color] She turned her head to look at Michael, scratching her cheek awkwardly. [color=cornflowerblue]"Hey, can we move this conversation to somewhere more private?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Ugh, well I-"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Private! Honey if you wanted privacy, you'd need a safe room and a few prisons for that,"[/color] the Blue King continued, nudging Erika's side as if they were good buddies and long past pals. Which technically they were, in some twisted obscure way. The look in Maribel's beaten eye was all that needed to be seen to get the memo here. Unless Erika wanted to play hard to get and have a little bit of rivalry between them. And Erika certainly didn't want that. With a slightly defeated look, Erika looked at Micheal... [color=cornflowerblue]"I gotta go. See you around?"[/color] With that she grabbed Bel by the hand and quickly led her out of the room. Once there, she let the door close behind them and turned around to look at the Blue King, visibly sweating but mostly surprised and amazed. [color=cornflowerblue]"You're... here? In the real world?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Um, bye?"[/color] the Red King said, more of a mutter really. He watched as Erika grabbed hold of Bel before dragging her out and away from the room. The Blue King gave a wink and a wave to everyone in the room, even Michael, before being confronted by Erika. An answer to her question was one big shrug. [color=6ecff6]"I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere Erika. Oh and believe me, it took me a bit to get this one under control. Woo, she put up a fight,"[/color] she said absentmindedly, pointing at herself. Only Erika would know the implication behind her words. [color=6ecff6]"Oh hey, wanna know what she sounds like right about now? I tuned her out so it wouldn't be a nuisance but I figure you'd wanna know what happens if you don't follow through, right?"[/color] At once Bel began to flail around madly in hysterics, screaming out with no direction or resolve. She did this for a good few seconds before relaxing again, as if cutting the power off. [color=6ecff6]"Yeah, something kind of like that."[/color] At this many people in the hall turned to stare at the blue king shrieking about excitedly. [color=cornflowerblue]"Er,"[/color] She turned to them, forcing a laugh. [color=cornflowerblue]"Don't mind us, we're just rehearsing a skit for the festival!"[/color] At this most of the students let out a chuckle and continued on their way without batting an eye. At this Erika turned back to the Blue King. [color=cornflowerblue]"Come on, I'm your hero. You know I'd never think about not being by your side. Especially after all you've done for me."[/color] Erika smiled at Bel and took her hands in hers, her spectacles shining the reflection of Bel within them. [color=cornflowerblue]"Whatever you need... I'm yours."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Yeah, we'll see about that sweet cakes. You were getting real chummy with the Red King back there. Don't think I don't know all about your little hussle with each other,"[/color] Bel said with a wag of her finger. Although her grin was maintained, it was evident that the underlying nature of a threat was beneath those sweetened words. [color=6ecff6]"Better be careful. I don't want you to pick between two Kings to follow,"[/color] she said, even as her hand tightened around Erika's. [color=cornflowerblue]"What? Of course not... I just..."[/color] Erika blushed.... and looked away a sliver of her former self reemerging. She bit her lip, then looked back at Bel. [color=cornflowerblue]"The Red King is harmless."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Yeah, that's what they all say Erika. Weeeeel, nothing that can be done about it now. Just know that I'll be watching you. I'll be watching yooooou....nerd!"[/color] Bel said with a rampant laugh before heading back into the club room. Erika watched as the Blue King dipped back into the clubroom. Her expression falling flat, she lifted her hand up closer to her face. On it... she could still see the indentation of Bel's far-too-firm grip. [hr] [center][@RoflsMazoy], [@Lord of Evil], [@KoL], [@Lucius Cypher], [@TheWindel], [@ColouredCyan], [@Jedly][/center]