Okay, the who, why, where, and when. [b]Why do they have infinite ene--[/b] No. [b]Why are their ships so big?[/b] It's mainly a shock and awe tactic. When something hundreds of times bigger than your ship, perhaps even thousands of times bigger suddenly appears in your system, you're going to likely be fucking terrified, and that's what the Aeolians want. Bring your brown pants when the UU locates a fleet staging area or fleet base. [b]Why do they not have swivel mounted main guns on their battleships?[/b] They're massive fucking spinal-mounted weapons designed for wiping out entire fleets in spectacular displays of causality and entropy bending. See "Shock and awe". [b]Can they destroy planets?[/b] No. [b]Why are organics in charge of an extragalactic empire?[/b] They're a bunch of ruthless motherfuckers, they're not going to let themselves be so easily replaced by machines. That, and I'm calling it tradition to remain organic. [b]Why do they not discover their own tech?[/b] I thought it'd be interesting to RP them needing to cooperate with other races in the galaxy to manage to get more tech, instead of them coming pre-equipped with every single thing everyone else has but better. Suspension of disbelief please. [b]What's the Union's goal?[/b] To survive and thrive. Whether that means delaying the heat death of the universe, finding a different one to create paradise in, or just taking everyone the fuck down with them, surviving and thriving is the name of the game. [b]Why don't they just conquer the Milky Way?[/b] Go searching for a singular ant in a place with no anthills. Squash that ant. Congratulations, you've done what the Union cannot. They've got enough galaxies that they just plain stopped giving a shit about a majority of the unclaimed galaxies. [b]What's the point of RPing if the Union will just squash us later?[/b] To have fun? To create political intrigue, smash ships together, etc. while the RP is alive? I dunno. vOv. If it's that big of a deal, see above. [b]Magic?[/b] They've likely mapped it out entirely and figured out its secrets, but they're a technomancer empire, no magic for them. I won't be going into magic with the Union. Any questions I missed? And [@keyguyperson] mind if I make a second nation that's way weirder and also provides something more antagonistic without being straight up hyper powerful?