[@Suku][@Scarifar][@Zarkun] Gaige rode quickly on her horse of choice, leaning forward to reduce wind resistance. She was no expert on riding horses, but she had survived being thrown around Hyperion vehicles, so holding onto the beast was no great feat. The green haired girl was surprisingly quick on her feet, especially after she realized that Gaige was chasing her down. The woman somehow increased her running speed to something far greater than any human being should have been capable of. Had Gaige been in any less determined of a mood, she'd have been interested by this new development. As it was, she just wanted to catch to in order to ask why she had freaked out and run away. Scout was a good deal behind Gaige, having not been able to get his horse moving until she had a significant lead on him. That, paired with Gaige's current tunnel vision, meant that the teenage badass completely missed the calling of Aki Tamashiro. What she didn't miss, couldn't miss, in fact, was a bullet flying right by her face just as the sun came up. The horse stopped charging forward and reared back, throwing Gaige clean off of its back. [color=royalblue]"Oomph!"[/color] she grunted, not out of pain from the impact (her shield took care of that) but out of the sudden loss of breath. Rolling with it, Gaige found herself back on her feet in only a second or two and fortunately for her, she [i]could[/i] track a bullet's path. Living on Pandora and getting shot at by bandits ever five minutes certainly honed your survival skills. Gaige's eyes narrowed, spotting a figure in the field moving toward her. He looked like, well, a bandit. Specifically a nomad bandit, only leaner. Not a chunky fatass. His equipment looked to be infinitely more well maintained though, and he had a floating red robot with him. Gaige's eyes lit up instantly at the sight of the robot, joy apparent on her face even from that distance, but she forced herself to shove the joy aside in favor of anger. This guy wasn't showing up as a hostile on her ECHO, but he [i]shot[/i] at her. A warning shot sure, but he shot at her all the same. No self respecting vault hunter was going to take that lying down, especially not [i]the mechromancer![/i] Gaige began charging right at the man, eyes narrowed and a grin of sadistic joy on her face. Just to show that she wasn't someone to be fucked with she digistructed her TORGUE shotgun on hand, then fired it between herself and her would-be assailant. [b]BOOM![/b] The pellets expelled from the barrel of the shotgun, collided with the ground between them and WHAMO! Instead fireworks show! Every pellet exploded violently, kicking up grass, dirt, and debris. Gaige took the opportunity to jump through the dust cloud for dramatic effect (hell yeah!) and landed on both feet, shotgun pointed directly at the man. [color=royalblue]"You wanna try that again?! HUH?! YOU LIKE SHOOTING AT GIRLS THAT ARE JUST TRYING TO STOP PEOPLE FROM FREAKING OUT?! DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE GOD OF DAMAGE!"[/color]