[quote=@Asura] Roll me a sheet, Scotty. [/quote] Give me a damn second Jim! /s Rolls be here. [hider=ROLLS] [u]Genetic Make Up [/u] [b]Half-Lives:[/b] Doomed to short lives, Half-Lives are always in need of breeding stock. Almost half don’t make it past youth, and any that do live absolutely no longer than 40. Riddled with obvious tumours and other disfigurements, they could pass for healthy if they covered up but the coughing is always going to give them away.’ [u]Cultural Meta-Group[/u] [b]Tribals:[/b] New cultures have sprung up since the apocalypse, some more recognizably linked to the old world than others. Unique expressions of culture and unusual handmade items are the common distinctions for tribals. Usually have an odd accent/manner of speech do to lack of contact. Less “civilized” but often no less savvy to the wasteland than others. Usually looked on with confusion or condescension by groups more tied to the old world. [u]Leadership[/u] [b]Anarchy:[/b] The group almost never actually makes decisions as a whole, but instead are unified simply by a culture and place of habitation. While they may band together and act as a cohesive unit in times of need, they often don’t last long in the wastes. Either lost to infighting, lack of unified strength, or simply drifted apart for various reasons. [u]Cultural Quirks[/u] [b]Death Cult[/b] Unsurprisingly among the blighted folk of the wastes, some have taken to worshipping death, or the idea of a “Good death”. Perhaps it’s a mythical afterlife, a desire to see the world well and truly die, or simply a nihilistic belief that death is an inevitable constant in life, for whatever reason this group worships death itself. [b] Cannibals:[/b] Known for their taste for human flesh. Be it a predatory or simply ritual affair, they are seen as “unclean” by most others. [u]Distinctive Appearance[/u] [b]Swaddled:[/b] Wrapped up in distinctive trappings, these people’s skin is rarely actually seen. Maybe enviroment suits they never take off their bodies, maybe cloth wraps all over themselves to protect from dust and grit like a desert nomad. In any case, they might be seen as exceptionally mysterious due to it. [b]Leathers:[/b] Never ride without your distinctive leather jackets and other assorted biker gear. Never. [b]Spikey:[/b] Their armor and cars are covered in a profusion of spines, blades, and other sharp nastiness. Does it serve a technical purpose or is it just to look badass? Only they know. [u]Unique/Exclusive Resource[/u] [b]Scrap:[/b] Everyone wants it, everyone needs it, most people have it. This group has a specific type, or an extreme profusion of it, and they use it to barter for whatever else they need. [u]Equipment Quality[/u] [b]Ramshackle[/b] Armor is cobbled together, guns are hand tooled, and houses/clothes are generally not in the best state. Pretty standard for most people, unfortunately. [u]Motor-Pool General Make Up[/u] [b]Classics:[/b] Muscle Cars, roadsters, and trucks. The standard rides for most in the wasteland. Tough, reliable, and intimidating. [u]Special Vehicle Shit[/u] [b]Lances:[/b] Grenades on sticks. A shockingly effective weapon, and you can mount them conveniently on a lot of different parts of a vehicle without messing with it too much. [u]Flagship Vehicle[/u] [b]Concert on Wheels:[/b] Like a drummer boy but way more awesome. Maybe it’s a squad of taiko drummers, a lone shredder on a flamethrower guitar, or an entire outfit of post-apocalyptic metalheads. Whatever it is, you’ll certainly not be going anywhere unnoticed, and it’s a very good way to get someone excited for killing. [/hider] Not going to lie, these are some pretty jank ass rolls. I honestly advise rerolling one, I'll try to help you find how to fit all this shit together if you want. Also, @everyone, due to the number of people with Scrap as their resource, I'm willing to reroll those for free and I'll keep rerolling until you don't get scrap.