[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CthxsXi.jpg[/img] WOMAN eats HALF AN ORANGE. She is NO LONGER HUNGRY. Despite all odds WISEAU THE WISE ONE rolls AN ACTUAL NATURAL 20, HOLY CRAP. [S]WAIT, NO, THAT'S FAR TOO META. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE SCREEN.[/S] ANYWAY, she has proven herself WORTHY of the LORD OF FLIES. She has become ONE WITH HIS MINIONS. WISEAU THE WISE has GAINED THE POWER OF FLIGHT, and may now eat ROTTEN FOOD without PENALTY, as well as being able to dodge GIANT FLYSWATS SUSPICIOUSLY EFFECTIVELY. SHE HAS A -3 to SOCIAL rolls and a +3 to all SOCIAL rolls with INSECTOIDS. She can eat some FOODS unfit for HUMAN CONSUMPTION. SHE IS NOW THE PRIESTESS OF THE LORD OF THE FLIES. She is no longer HUNGRY as the FLIES have just eaten. She has developed an IRRATIONAL FEAR of BIRDS. UG CELEBRATES by BUILDING A FIRE using 2 FIREWOOD. UG gains 1XP: Firemaking. [img]http://i.imgur.com/QrQ7PFH.png[/img] DEAR SWEET LORD OF FLIES WHAT ARE THESE HELLISH ABOMINATIONS. Is what PORKCHOP would think if he wasn't a NEANDERTHAL. INSTEAD, he thinks, ARGH. OOG RAH. PORKCHOP looks at the FOX CLOWNS behind him. He swears he can hear them CACKLING MANIACCLY IN HIS MIND. THE ONE IN THE FRONT LOOKS OLDER THEN THE OTHER TWO. PORKCHOP once again turns his eye to the HORSE OF HIS DREAMS. how could he have been so BLIND as to think he should TAME IT. That's exactly what a NORMAL PERSON would DO. The question remains: does he BRING IT BACK TO CAMP and use a SHACK or stay out in the WILDERNESS? [/center] [b]Camp Information[/b] [hider=Camp Information] It is LATE EVENING. The temperature is COOLING. have set up their home in a NICE CLEARING. SOME PRIMITIVE FARMING is UNDERWAY. PORKCHOP is EXPLORING THE TEMPERATE PLAINS. PORKCHOP IS HUNGRY. [b]Inventory:[/b] PORKCHOP: 1 Angry Spear Thing WISEAU THE WISE, PRIESTESS of the LORD of FLIES: 1 Knife 1 Set of Clothes: Crudely made fur coat & top (previous owner: Wiseau) 1 Mysterious Glowing Bean 2 Giant Oranges (4 Potions) 4 Giant Orange Peel & Rind 2 Pips 3 1/2 Sticks 3 Flint 1 Pebble with a hole in 1 Orange Tree (Planted) 1 Unknown Fruit Tree (Planted) 2 Potato Seeds (Planted) 2 Shacks [4/4 Population] Lit Camp Fire[/hider][hider=Player Points] KnightShade: 12 Dinh AaronMk: 3 DeadBeatWalking: 4 Eklispe: 2 RedDusk: 4 Brasslazer: 3 Chapatrap: 1 [/hider]