Okay, here are the different areas to collaborate on for the enclave. [hider=Enclave Stuff] You don't have to answer these questions precisely, just prompts to get you thinking. [b]Name[/b] (Probably the last thing we actually come up with. Just putting it first because, well, names come first on sheets.) [b]Location[/b] [list] [*]Which state? Remember, the Loss is everything west of the Mississippi river. [*]What's the general landscape like? Plains, hills, marsh? [*]What's the water situation? Are you near a river? A lake? Or are you parched? [*]What's the farming like? Is there a lot of arable land or is it more difficult? [*]What was the population density like pre-Crash? [/list] [b]Defence[/b] [list] [*]What keeps the dead away? Are the defences natural (i.e. mountains) or man-made (prison walls)? [*]Who mans the walls? Does the enclave any kind of formal police/militia/watch? [*]Are there any weaknesses or blind spots? Secret entrances? [/list] [b]History[/b] [list] [*]Who first decided this was a good place to wait out the apocalypse? [*]Did other groups come later, or has the population been the same since the Crash? [*]What recent conflict - external or internal - has shaped the operation of the enclave? [/list] [b]Import/Export[/b] Self-sufficiency is a myth. Your enclave has some things other people want and wants some things other people have. An "export" is something the enclave has in abundance, whether in terms of skills, materials or natural resources. For instance, an enclave that used to be a technical college might make their money as mechanics for other enclaves. An "import" is something your enclave lacks or has too much demand to supply by itself, and has to rely on outside trade on. The technical college, for example, might be too small to defend itself properly and contracts out to a mercenary band for security. For each export your enclave has, it must have an import. [b]Competition[/b] What other groups, settlements etc are in the surrounding area? These can range from trading partners to raiding parties, cults to agricultural communes. They can be directly hostile (for instance, perhaps a group of insane cultists who worship the dead have moved into the area) but don't HAVE to be; you could also describe another enclave a little ways downriver with whom you enjoy a friendly trade relationship. Does the DHQS (the Recession government agency in charge of maintaining the quarantine and leading the reclamation) have any forward bases or agents in the area? [b]Social Structure[/b] [list] [*]How does politics in the enclave work? Do you have a democratic system, or perhaps some kind of dictatorship? [*]What are the different factions, voting blocs or social classes? [*]What is illegal in the enclave? Slavery? Prostitution? [*]How does religion play a role in society? [*]Has it always been this way or did things used to be different? What changed, and why? [/list] [b]Neighbourhoods[/b] Here, we decide on the scale of the enclave, then break it down into different regions - because no matter how big or small the town, there's always a nice part of town and a bad part of town. [list] [*]What does the enclave do with Latents (humans who are infected, and infectious, but don't turn into zombies)? Is there a "ghetto" for them? [*]How did space get divided up? Did the nice beds go to the people with the money or with the guns? [*]Do Believers have their own 'cloisters' or do they mingle with the general population? [*]How did pre-Crash space get converted into living spaces, and for who? [/list] [b]VIPs[/b] The final step, and the most specific step. Basically, who runs Bartertown? Well, not just who runs it. Notable NPC's and a general "who's who" of the enclave. [list] [*]Who heads up the different factions? How did they come to power? [*]Who do people turn to when they need a 'good time'? How do they provide that service? [*]Who gets people what they can't get legally? How do they get that past security? [*]Who does everyone hate? Why are they THE. WORST. (ohmygod) and why can't we just get rid of them? [/list] [/hider] [hider=The "Rules"] So, the process is mostly a matter of collaborative consensus which means isn't hugely codified in rules and sort of relies on people being adults here. So, the rule of thumb is "oh! that's cool!" If someone else's idea makes you think or say that, chime in your support for it. [b]Step 1[/b]: The first person with an idea for an aspect of the enclave puts it forward. ("Our enclave used to be a prison.") [b]Step 2[/b]: Everyone else either throws in a contrary idea ("I think it would be cooler if our enclave was a high school"), adds an elaboration on someone else's idea in support of it ("It was a prison, but minimum security - mostly white collar crime, Bernie Madoff types.") or declares they abstain. [b]Step 3[/b]: Once everyone's declared one way or another, the votes are added up and the winning option becomes "canon". The Market (i.e. me) breaks ties. [b]Step 4[/b]: Repeat on the next aspect of the enclave ("Our enclave is near a lake.") [b]Step 5[/b]: Once all areas of the enclave are sufficiently defined, we move on to character creation. [/hider] Does that all make sense?