[hider=Francis York Morgan][i]"Do you feel it Zach? My coffee warned me about it."[/I] Name: Francis York Morgan (but please, just call him York, everyone else does) Age: 33 Gender: Male Originates From: Deadly Premonition Appearance: [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/deadlypremonition/images/b/b7/Francis_York_Morgan.png/revision/latest?cb=20131011032749[/img] Personality: York is a very abrasive and bluntcharacter, but it's less out of malice and more out of social awkwardness. He is near unflappable, taking any and all situations like they were a conversation with friends over dinner. York also thinks himself very clever, and he's not exactly wrong, but there's times where his cleverness and his eccentric nature blur with each other and it's at times difficult to discern where the cleverness ends and the oddity starts. He's especially awkward around women however, leaving his love life a bit hopeless. Items They Are Carrying: -[b]A Pack of Cigarettes and a lighter[/b]. York is a chain smoker, and can't truly focus himself on a task if he doesn't have his smokes. The same can be said for coffee, but he can't very well carry a brewer around in his coat pocket. -[b]A pistol of unknown branding[/b]. York is a crack shot with his handgun, able to fire with pin point accuracy no matter the range. Though these abilities may not be his own... -[b]His FBI identification badge[/b]. York whips this out whenever he introduces himself, usually accompanied by his reaffirmation of his employment. Abilities: -[b]Heightened perception[/b] -[b]Near unparalleled profiling skills[/b] -[b]Ability to communicate with the paranormal[/b] -[b]Firearm training[/b] -[b]An excellent driver[/b] Bio: Early in his life, York witnessed his Father murder his Mother in cold blood. While normally an event like this would come with no upside, after this event York was approached by an imaginary friend named Zach, who's presence allowed him to communicate with the he paranormal in any area he's in. Other than Zach's arrival, York has little memory of the event itself, but it did motivate him to train to become an FBI agent, one that specializes in profiling, in an attempt to understand why his Father had done what he did. Over the years however, York became famous for his ability to solve bizarre cases that many thought unsolvable due to his connection with the paranormal. He was moved to the Special Agents division, where the FBI could capitalize on his unique abilities, which eventually led to him taking a case in the small town of Greenvale. York's main motivation for taking the case was because it was a young woman who was murdered, much like his Mother, and he wanted to use this case as an opportunity to better his profiling skills. It is from here that York will join us... Fun Facts: York has an encyclopedic knowledge of classic movies, but B-movies especially, able to quotes scenes, actors, and directors by heart. This passion extends also to Punk Rock music (mainly towards The Ramones) and animation (mainly towards To, and Jerry)[/hider]