[@LuckyBlackCat] [center][h1][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Sulleykaar%20-%201.png[/img][/h1][/center] [hr] A boost in confidence. Good. It was followed by a burst of energy that gave the flames more life. He gave Lainie a subtle nod as he watched. Lainie held on to this small torrent for some time. She showed promise. [color=9e0b0f][i]"Maybe your not as weak as I thought."[/i][/color] He chuckled quietly as his posture showed a bit more interest. [color=9e0b0f]"Not bad fo-"[/color] He finally decided to speak up but it he was interrupted by a yelp from the girl to which his expression became a bit more serious. The flames begun to thrash about violently, much more so than before. He took in a long breath and felt the air around the two and frowned at his conclusion to a personal question of his. It thrashed about, hitting him now and then as its fiery tendrils wrecked havoc around the two. She hadn't really caught to much of his attention however. He simply was going to help her get better, nothing more. But when young greenhorn of an elemental attempted to suppress it, he felt something powerful and his eyes widened but not so much to cause alarm. Soon enough it had settled and the once confident girl returned to her measly timid but tired self. He stood there for a moment in silence as she gave her apology. [color=9e0b0f]"Sorry for what? For doing what I asked? Do you feel you did not reach my "expectations"? Is that it? Don't you ever apologize to me unless I say otherwise, do you understand?[/color] One could see the scolding look through his eyes alone but soon that faded. Not to deflate what confidence she had left if she had any left [i]at all[/i] after that, he smiled. [color=9e0b0f]"Actually you piqued my interest even more but I will hold off on why for now. What I can tell you is that you have some potential. Nothing to my level and that is only due to your lifespan however-"[/color] He turned and walked away from her, approximately 15 feet and turned to face her again, his voice raising with every step to ensure she could here him. [color=9e0b0f]"I can see your potential at level such as this."[/color] His eyes glowed lightly as the visible veins in his body glowed as well to a bright white and only highlighted by his reddish skin. He brought his arm up so his palm faced him and with the simple snap of his fingers, the immediate 5ft radius around him lost its vegetation in a split second, leaving it charred and smoldering ember. Eight feet out the earth was set ablaze, 11 feet the ground was beginning to catch fire and a final foot a simple smoke ring. The fire roared around him, whipping around with the wind but the difference between her flame and his was apparent. It was tamed, and simply moved with the simple breeze in the air. The sound was different as well, a bit lower in pitch with much less crackling. He let the flame hold so she could see what he meant before dismissing it with a simple wave of his hand. Its disappearance gave a better view of the damage dealt. [color=9e0b0f]Not as hot but with about that range maybe even more if your dedicated to it and that means eat, sleep and breath fire...last one figuratively of course."[/color] He smirked at his little pun. He walked back over to her and sat down beside her before laying on his back, looking to the sky. [color=9e0b0f]"Tell me something. What do you think is the most dangerous thing to humans and creatures alike, hm?[/color] He gave Lainie a sidelong glance, awaiting her answer.