[@LovelyAnastasia] Nice job with Hisayo! She's accepted, but just to confirm for reference sake, as a nure-onna she has the body of a snake correct? I ask because the artist rendering has her with lower limbs and just wanted to make sure. [@Stitches] Zashiki is approved! I was about to ask if she had a name until I read the misc. Thanks again you two! Glad to have you on board. Adding a mage and ninja to the ranks really mixes things up now. Please put your sheets over at the characters tab. Looks like we have a good ratio of male and female characters. [hr] [quote=@Stitches] provided I get accepted, would you be interested in a predetermined link to my character? She certainly needs someone to keep her in check; an unruly, slippery brat with a strong inclination towards deserting wouldn't simply be tossed into a taskforce without some gentle persuasion (read: bright light and copious amounts of fire) to keep her in line. It's a rough guideline and I'm not keen on developing it until I get the OK from the GM, but I wanted to know your thoughts. And if anyone else wantsto take up that role, don't hesitate to volunteer; I'm really into character development. I'm sure we can work something out. [/quote] Unless someone already pm'd you, I'd love to have Gaignun be the one to look after her. I think the legend behind her people coming from The Shadowland would be a driving factor for him, since he at one point dealt with a major conflict from there. They have somewhat of a history together anyways considering her elders approached him about her recruitment into Hakumei. Let me know what you think :) [hr] [quote=@LovelyAnastasia] I hope my character doesn't come off as too weak... Guess her dose of insanity will have to help her boost her power [/quote] I think Leos said it best with his following post. I know I didn't explain how magic works in this world, but much like the avatar shows, the element has to be drawn from a source --- this applies only to using heavy level magic. Light and medium spells can be created out of nowhere, but of course it won't be as powerful. It's sort of my way to keep it balanced and allow you to get creative with the environment. [hr] [@Arthanus] How's the end of your bio coming along? Feel free to pm me if you have any questions. [hr] [quote=@vietmyke] Tentatively interested- I have an aggressive Monk character in the works. [/quote] That's great, as a monk is the last class that needs to get filled!