[img]http://i.imgur.com/w7eOnii.png[/img] [b][color=thistle]"I-I-It's not like I can't make friends or anything!"[/color][/b] He shouted, standing up from his seat and turning around. [b][color=thistle]"I-It's just... [sub]harder than I thought it'd be... [sub]b-baka...!"[/sub][/sub][/color][/b] Nooooo, he'd slipped into old habits again. His only comfort was that Bel seemed to be preoccupied and there were only 8 other people to see him embarrass himself. A -1 when it came to Bel was probably closer to a -6, however, so it sort of equaled out to about 2. The 'habit' had formed a little while after the Spaghetti incident. After he'd transferred he'd had the difficult task of making new friends after the last one. His older sister asked him every day, and every time she'd been more insistent. Kosuke was a terrible liar, but his sister enjoyed how cute he sounded the more desperate he got so it'd ended up [sub]just[sub] like [sub]that...[/sub][/sub][/sub] Anyway, more of the Kings had showed up which was sort of rare. It wasn't every day that 3 out of 5 were in one spot. There was also someone called Erika? He'd heard the name, but whatever it was that'd happened to her, it'd taken place during Kosuke's blank episode the week before. Kosuke felt like she was so bright she was burning his skin. Not unlike phoenix fire on pasty white skin. There was an awful lot of star power behind him right now, and he was feeling the heat on the back of his neck. They were leaving now, but he didn't want to stick around. [b][color=thistle]"Uhhh, right... Where were we?"[/color][/b] He said to Thomas, sitting down as the Blue King and the Red King bowed out. [hr] [@Lord of Evil] [@KoL] [@Lucius Cypher] [@TheWindel] [@ColouredCyan] [@Reapthemusic]