[quote=@Rasmus] Colour me interested. Looking to get back into RPing and all this looks hella cool. [/quote] Here be thy rollies. [hider=ROLLS] [u]Genetic Make Up [/u] [b]Part-Lives:[/b] The general norm, people die of cancer or other genetic problems fairly young but some make it to old age. Wouldn’t appear too ugly or malformed by today’s standards, but certainly not the cream of the crop physically. [u]Cultural Meta-Group[/u] [b]Settlers:[/b] The only “normal” people left. Generally just trying to make it through their daily lives without too many violent intrusions. Have built the most since the apocalypse, and generally behave the most like people from the old world. Don’t mistake civilization for civility or peacefulness though. Many are just as cold and merciless as raiders, as they have to be to survive these days. [u]Leadership[/u] [b]Oligarchy:[/b] A small sect of the group lords over the rest. Similar to single leadership in their absolute power, but spread over a small group rather than one man. Almost as common. [u]Cultural Quirks[/u] [b]Assholes:[/b] For whatever reason, everyone in the wastes sees your tribe as complete pieces of shit. Maybe they’re blunt as hell and bad mouth everyone else, maybe they have a societal compulsion to cruelty, maybe they just refuse to help anyone without gain. I dunno man, but one of them kicked my dog. I swear. [b]Distinctive Icon:[/b] A motif or symbol runs throughout the groups structures, clothes, and vehicles. Maybe it’s a specific animal or object, or maybe it’s something less specific like bullets or flames. [u]Distinctive Appearance[/u] [b]War Paint:[/b] When they go to battle, these people paint themselves, and maybe even their rides, in a distinctive style. [b]Body of Knowledge:[/b] The group preserves information on the bodies of it’s members. Technical diagrams scarified onto their chests, covered in tattooed text, etc. [b]Uniforms:[/b] Standardized appearance across the group and it’s leadership. Makes your group seem more cohesive, but can be hard to maintain. [u]Unique/Exclusive Resource[/u] [b]Green:[/b] The rarest thing in the wastes. Clean soil that grows green plants. Some go their whole lives without seeing it, some unlucky few think it’s a myth. Those that have it keep it close to their chest, even if it’s just a single potful of black earth. [u]Equipment Quality[/u] [b]Well-crafted:[/b] Just because it was made in the post apocalypse, doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Well made armor, guns are machined with actual technique and thought, and houses/clothes are a little more respectably made. [u]Motor-Pool General Make Up[/u] [b]Classics:[/b] Muscle Cars, roadsters, and trucks. The standard rides for most in the wasteland. Tough, reliable, and intimidating. [u]Special Vehicle Shit[/u] [b]Shiny and Chrome:[/b] The group takes exceptional care to polish their vehicles to a brilliant chrome shine. Blind your foes with your swag and the shiny paint seemingly correlates with higher skill among drivers. Choose to re-roll this or Black on Black if you get both. [b]Spikey: Cars are covered in spikes. Pretty simple really. Good for keeping people off your hood and exploding ordnance before it hits the main body of the car. Actual functional version of the same thing in the appearance section.[/b] [u]Flagship Vehicle[/u] [b]War Rig:[/b] Huge, heavily armoured, able to carry a ton of cargo, and manned/gunned like a fortress. War Rigs command the roads, and anyone who’s anyone has one. Generally made of a truck or two stapled together, but other bodies are possible. A combine for example. [/hider]