[center][h3]Rylen | Dune City - Morning[/h3] [@EWillden][@Heckno12][@Sketcher][@Tangletail][@alexfangtalon] [/center] [hider=Team] [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/larvitar.gif[/img] LV: [15] Ability: Guts Item: N/A Moves: - Bite - Chip Away - Sandstorm - Screech [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/rufflet.gif[/img] LV: [11] Ability: Sheer Force Item: N/A Moves: - Fury Attack - Peck - Leer - Wing Attack [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [list][*] Wallet - 300P [*]x4 Pokeballs [*]x5 Potions [/list] [/hider] Dawn broke over Dune City, there were officials and authorities at the Pokemon Center, based on what they were talking about, it seems they were looking to rebuilding it immediately, as it was a very prime facility in any city. As Rylen walked by he could hear some of them talking, he'd woken early and decided to go off to the gym on his own ahead of everyone else, he wanted time alone to focus, not in preparation for the gym, but he had a feeling the events of last night were just the beginning, so he wanted to become stronger to prevent these kinds of things from happening, [i]"Looks like construction will take around two days if we do work at night too, but three days and it'll be up again like new. Although we'll have to do construction work tomorrow, as some of our workers in Estoria are still fixing up the Pokemon Lab there", "I see... I guess it's fortunate for us the healing machine is still working, so we can still offer those services, although right now it's in the police station", "The healing machine's fine?" "Yeah, the police had told me some kid fixed it up and handed it into the station. Now everyone who needs it is being directed there. The nurse is there too", "Well that is a stroke of luck... Well anyways...",[/i] Rylen decided to continue moving along after this.