Christi was at a loss. One moment the girl had been sobbing, looking for a safe place to hide, and the next she and who Christi thought might be her father simply got up and left, apparently deciding that it was no longer worth sticking around. Not that Christi could blame them, given how messed up their group was. Vin and Nate couldn't stop arguing, JJ was volatile, Eli was being... well, Eli, as far as she could tell. Eric always seemed like he had a headache, and Christi had her own issues. Still, it would have been nice to have another girl around. As she watched the truck pull away, Christi sighed and hugged Jack, then got up and readjusted her crossbow on her back. Maybe it would be worth trying to get to know her. She missed being able to just… talk with someone. Ever since she had joined up with the city people, she always felt like they were talking [b]to[/b] her. Not that she really made an effort to talk back, but it certainly didn’t help that it felt like none of them were really interested in what she had to say. Heading back to the mine, she sat down at the entrance, rubbing Jack’s ears as he settled down beside her. She could just hear JJ and Vin talking a few feet away from her, though she couldn’t quite make out the words. They were a strange pair, certainly, and she didn’t really know what they saw in each other. Their voices grew louder as they apparently drew closer to the entrance, and she overheard Vin’s comment about shotguns, which made her frown. Shuffling about so that she was facing them, Christi tilted her head. “Shotguns aren’t easy to use.” [@Rawk][@Xandrya]