[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3NigqAP.jpg[/img] WISEAU THE WISE approaches UG to ask him if he has heard of our LORD AND SAVIOUR, THE SWARM? Ug THE FABULOUS has heard of no such thing and LISTENS VEHEMENTLY while FLEXING. He even WIGGLES AN EYEBROW at WISEAU's FLIES. He gets DISTRACTED after a WHILE and decides his MUSCLES would look great in the FIRELIGHT. He has a little DANCE around the FIRE in the name of the SPIRITS. Also while looking at the GIRLS, who he's just realised he's ALONE WITH. What's a PORKCHOP, again? WISEAU THE WISE is a little BUGGED that UG THE FABULOUS got DISTRACTED. WOMAN takes HALF A STICK and lights a TORCH. She LOVES FIRE, and the TORCH will burn LONGER then NORMAL. A light BREEZE drifts in from the NORTH. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ixca1IA.jpg[/img] PORKCHOP has a BATTLE with the MONSTROUS BEASTS. I could write out what happens, but turns out it was [url=https://i.gyazo.com/cca18bd749a2ad0400f42a1a20fd826b.png]really shit and not exciting at all[/url]. PORKCHOP is really TERRIBLE and DROPS HIS SPEAR in the TEMPERATE PLAINS. It's still THERE, but he can't see it because he's BLINDED BY HIS IDIOCY. He turns his attention to the HORSE OF HIS DREAMS. The HORSE is [url=https://i.gyazo.com/e69e861f5b0d865a3375c770bd993f65.png]NOT IMPRESSED[/url] by PORKCHOP. AT ALL. NOT EVEN A SLIGHTLY. PORKCHOP gets KICKED IN THE STOMACH by the BLACK STALLION in a JEALOUS PROTECTIVE RAGE. He FALLS TO THE GROUND as his VISION BLURS. He hears the sound of MANIACLE LAUGHTER fill his EARS as a FLASH OF COLOUR drifts across his VISION before everything goes BLACK. WISEAU THE WISE gains +2 XP Religion: (Specifically: Lord of Flies) UG THE FABULOUS gains +1XP towards ???? (something to do with DANCING IN A RELIGIOUS MANNER.) UG THE FABULOUS gains +1XP to DANCING. WOMAN GETS +1 XP to CRAFTING. WOMAN gains +2 XP to FIREMAKING. PORKCHOP gains +3 XP to COMBAT (2 "battles" + 1XP for his speciality). NIGHT APPROACHES. [/center] [b]Camp Information[/b] [hider=Camp Information] It is LATE EVENING. The temperature is COOLING but the FIRE is HOT. have set up their home in a NICE CLEARING. SOME PRIMITIVE FARMING is UNDERWAY. PORKCHOP is MISSING. [b]Inventory:[/b] 1 Angry Spear Thing (in the PLAINS) WOMAN: 1 Torch WISEAU THE WISE, PRIESTESS of the LORD of FLIES: 1 Knife 1 Set of Clothes: Crudely made fur coat & top (previous owner: Wiseau) 1 Mysterious Glowing Bean 2 Giant Oranges (4 Potions) 4 Giant Orange Peel & Rind 2 Pips 3 Sticks 3 Flint 1 Pebble with a hole in 1 Orange Tree (Planted) 1 Unknown Fruit Tree (Planted) 2 Potato Seeds (Planted) 2 Shacks [4/4 Population] Lit Camp Fire[/hider][hider=Player Points] KnightShade: 13 Dinh AaronMk: 3 DeadBeatWalking: 4 Eklispe: 3 RedDusk: 5 Brasslazer: 4 Chapatrap: 1 [/hider]