[B]"How do we know what to do then captain? We have spare rooms seeing as Omega and some of SIGMA and Beta as well are all gone but can we trust these men not to slit our throats in our sleep? I'd prefer not to have to sleep with one eye open on my own ship sir."[/b] Paul said to his captain whom silently nodded and smiled at his young subordinate whom he had so many memories of. So young but so full of fire in his eyes that he knew the kid would make a great officer one day...if he could learn to actually trust someone. Not that the boy's history is unfounded the kid had been through so much it wasn't funny. [B]"Easy now my young friend. I suppose we have three options here then...some of which you are not bound to like."[/b] Jason commented simply before taking a deep breath and looked at them all. [B]"Before I go on I must insist on telling you this one bit: There is to be NO acess to the bridge, communications room, medical bay, or kitchen (the part that holds the food supplies not the table area which is fine) without my permission or Black Star's first. I'm sure I am not being too forward in my limitations. Now moving on first off for those whom want to be directly affiliated with us there is the option of conscription. It had been revoked in the past but was reinstated some years ago in order to effectively fight battles in Pro-ZAFT South America. You will be given the same duties as the rest of us and you will be recognized as a member of the Earth Alliance. You listen to me and I promise I WILL not betray you. I expect loyalty and resolve from my soldiers because that's what I give to them. This is my most....unpleasant option because I dislike the policy entirely as a personal matter is directly linked to it. Black Star has one or two ideas of why I may feel that way but I'd like if you would keep that secret for me."[/b] Jason commented as he waited for any angry comments if he received none he continued. If he did he simply looked at them in an extremely uncomfortable way until they stopped doing so or raised a hand for a collective silence. [b]"Well then now there's two: You simply work as an independent ally of ours in which you're more or less free to do as you like and I will be even more generous in the fact that you need not do chores around the ship. However you WILL fight when I say so or you will be kicked off the ship. Likewise crewmen and crewwomen are prioritized over you. I quite frankly can't feed you over my own officers and I refuse to give a room to a person who doesn't pull their weight. In other words you come second but you need not submit to the will of 'the man' if you so desire or if it conflicts with your own sense or morals."[/B] Jason said as he finished he took a breath again to make sure he didn't pass out from to much talking all at once. [B]"Finally: Leave. If you don't like the options go off on your own I'm sure someone else would be more than willing to help you out there if don't like my given options. That's if you can find someone to help you there is no life signs anywhere within the nearby radius. We're sending signals out but have yet to receive a reply. Now then if you really are a spy you can bring the enemy here and give them my numbers all to your hearts content...and then I will have Black Star kill all of them with malicious glee. He may not look like it but the boy has downed more enemies aces than I can count on my hands in two wars and internal OMNI conflicts. I am almost nothing short of overwhelming fire power will take out Raigo once and for all especially with Beta Team covering him. I hate to sound so cruel but I have no love for spies. Now on the counter side you could ask me why should you trust me. Well for the fact that I have two shotgun armed soldiers outside the door that I could have ordered them to shoot you as soon as you exited your cockpits. I also allowed you in my ship and didn't make you go to the brig like some common brigand, and am offering you food, a place to sleep, and a multiple choice option between three choices is more than most people would give you. If it means anything I will go ahead and tell you my name. Jason. Jason Hiyan is my name now time to choose what will be your choice. I'm tired of talking and while I may seem 'cruel to you' I am actually being extremely generous short of disrespecting my current staff and crew by making you all equals to them. Men and women alike whom as I said have fought for me in many conflicts or are bright young minds entrusted to me so I can help the next generation. I will not disrespect them by letting strangers come in and call themselves their equal I'd sooner die."[/b] Jason commented plainly almost computer like as he scanned the room for any sense of hostility from the group. Paul stood there not sure what to think of this but proud that his captain still cared for him so much. This was why he served the man because he'd never put anyone above his crew not even himself.