[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3HMSWb6.png[/img] [hr]Interacting With: Rebekka Williams [@Azaria Blue] [hr] [/center] His hands were still shaking from the adrenaline of survival. Isaac could barely insert the key into the keyhole of his lock box, and clipping his sheathe onto his belt became a ridiculously difficult task. He wiped his nose with his thumb and did a quick survey around him. It definitely was a grim scene. He had been trained in numerous survival scenarios, but surviving a plane crash was not one of them. One would think the army would train airborne infantry units on procedures after surviving a plane crash. Guess not. [center][b]“Stop jumping around you idiot, we could be just barely balanced or on the edge of something.”[/b][/center] Another voice called out to him different from the first. That accounts for two survivors. And one of them was more snippy than the other. But despite the aggressiveness in her voice, there was reason behind it. Being balanced on an edge was not something Isaac had accounted for. But he assumed if they had not fallen already the plane was fine. [center][b]“Can you come help me?”[/b][/center] “Yeah, give me a sec.” Isaac slung his carry-on bag over his shoulder and left his luggage in his seat. He moved through the center isle to where the voice originated from a bit further ahead of the plane. Initially he just stepped on the bodies that were in his way without another thought, but as he thought about his situation, it felt rather disrespectful. He began to step over them and attempted to make as little contact with the corpses and strewn parts as much as possible. The paratrooper spotted the person who called out to him pinned in her seat underneath a corpse. She had a wild look about her, something very different compared to the conservative nature of the military and its dress regulations. He cocked his head for a moment as he studied the corpse on her. The body's seat belt held onto it firmly. She was all bloodied up as well, but guessing by the sound of her voice, she was more shaken than gravely injured. “Alight, let's get that dead weight off of you,” joked Isaac. Isaac pulled the corpse upwards, let the upper torso hang freely in the isle, and went to work at the seat belt. The buckle was obviously not functional. Either it was broken or something inside it was snagging on the release. With his Bowie knife, Isaac began to saw through the belt and in a few minutes the corpse was free. “Voilà,” he mumbled as he pulled the body into the isle. “You seriously injured?” he asked as he dropped the corpse.