[h3]Shanon[/h3] Shanon took Wolfe’s explanation to be a satisfactory one and after he introduced each of the others in turn Shanon would then repeat their names with “friend” afterwards and committed it to memory. The snake of her tongue had withdrawn back into her mouth as some way of showing she now longer found them to be of any danger. She could still smell blood though and it seemed that the humans had taken some serious injuries to their arms. “Friends hurt? I carry friends to safe.” Drawing herself up to her full height on two legs Shanon then flexed her muscles with a grin. “I stronger than Human car.” When the small ball of light then appeared just beyond her nose Shanon took a moment or two to process what she was seeing with a few blinks. It looked to her like a floating bulb thing the Agents had at their place. “I fine, need thread to sew.” Shanon was forced to spin in order to follow Daynas movements. “I not beast; Monster. I no bleed like Humans or other Monsters.” Sitting down Shanon appeared to ponder something for a moment that made her tail flick softly side to side and her eyes rove around. “I looking for other friend Darcy.” She stated. “She not in bad place, not here I think. Have friends seen Darcy?”