I have been thinking about starting a social group of people who hold themselves high, no matter what happens. I want to create a social group of people who can stand together through everything. I have been planning on recruiting for quite some time now, however I need some help. I need to see interest in what I am creating. (First and foremost) Then I need people willing to spread the word and support the community with me. I do plan on implementing a ranking system and it will be first come first serve, until others prove themselves more worthy. We will have a gaming community if anyone is interested in joining (or leading) that division of the Guard. All members will be trusted with higher ranks and/or leading positions in the Guard after they have proven their allegiance and have shown a desire to be Hxzardxus. Please tag me and post here or PM me if interested. [color=0072bc][i][b]"We are Hxzardxus. We stand as one. Join our ranks."[/b][/i][/color]