[center][h2]Detective Shun Baba[/h2][/center] The alarm cuts through the darkness with a soul wrenching shriek, ripping Shun from his slumber. [color=cc0000][i]”And thus it begins...”[/i][/color] He thinks, pushing his white hair out of his face as he slams (with no small amount of hostility) the off button from the offending clock. With reluctance, he throws the covers off of himself, stepping onto the cold floor of his empty apartment. Heat cost money, after all, and with his job...well, money didnt grow on trees in the ID. He rubs his eyes, the above not being necessarily true. On rare occasions, idiots would leave the district and hit up china, buying money tree seeds. Inevitably, they’d either get caught, with the contraband on the way back, or they’d soon discover the trees only yielded bronze coins and get caught trying to pawn them. He drops his PJ bottoms and boxers, turning the shower on. [color=cc0000][i]”Damn shame though. Solve me a lot of problems if someone figured out how to breed a yen variant.”[/i][/color] he thinks as he cleans himself, then lets the hot water warm him as he slowly manages to awaken. It wasn't like he was in a rush after all. Today was the first shift he had since his minor ‘vacation’, and he had given himself a good two hours to get to the station. [color=cc0000]”Still cant believe they made me take vacation time for this. Three damn days just to move and that warrants eating into my vacation time.” [/color] he grumbles, turn the shower off and stepping out. Wordlessly he grabs his toothbrush, letting himself air dry as he brushes. Spit, rinse. [color=cc0000]”Its damn wage theft” [/color] he continues, walking back to his room and then gently throwing the closet open. [color=cc0000]”We should just unionize already. F**king treat a bunch of effective immortals like wage slaves just cause we dont need to build up a retirement. Chiefs a bigger damn thief than the landlord…”[/color] he says while he dresses, clean tailored suit hugging comfortably against him and the familiar weight of his gun resting gently on his hip. He didnt really mean much of what he was says (well, except for the scalping landlord part). It was just noise to fill the uncomfortably silent air of the apartment. While he was living with his family he’d become accustomed to a certain level of(...the only word which fit in his mind was chaos) to fill his mornings...and afternoons. Most of the day really. As such he found filling the silence with reflection helped ease his discomfort….he then found reflection a terribly dull subject and opted instead to complain even his most minor of grievances to his captive audience of chairs and wall paper. He stifles a frustrated sigh as he examines himself in the closet mirror, straightening his tie. Enough self pity and whining Shun, today is going to be a good day. In fact, its going to be a damn fine day. The finest damn day you ever damned to to deem as a damn fine day dammit. You’re going to walk to work, clock in, get a REAL case, get some productive work done and clock out feeling like- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [color=cc0000]”A Massive Asshole.”[/color] Shun says, steely gaze affixed on the (admittedly) unfortunate secretary as he handed him his days assignment. [color=cc0000]”...I am deadly serious Yui, is that what I am. A massive asshole?”[/color] He asks again. The young (well, he guessed anyway. It always being difficult to tell) Sunekosuri folded her ears back, intimidated as she stammered her answer. [b]”Y-y-you aren’t a massive asshole j-j-j-j-j-j-ju-”[/b] [color=cc0000] ”Then why is it, Yui”[/color] he says, interrupting the girl as he reads over his ‘assignment’ once again. [color=cc0000]”Why is it then that I’m being asked to act as a glorified babysitter…”[/color] he continues [color=cc0000]”Because, with all honesty. I’d love to know. Your insight would be valuable as a friend and colleague.”[/color] he returns his gaze to the dog girl, who is now somewhat confused as to how to take that question. She hides behind her small stack of papers, nose and glasses pressed up hard against the forms. [b]”I d-d-d-dont know ok? Maybe be-because you’re such a cute little k-k-kid and-”[/b] she feels a physical wave of mild irritation fire off from the sheep demon and presses her face harder into the papers. [b]”WRONG THING TO SAY WRONG THING TO SAY YOU’RE NOT CUTE OR LITTLE OR A KID WELL YOU ARE CUTE BUT YOUR NOT A LITTLE KID IM SORRY FOR CALLING YOU CUTE PLEASE JUST DO THE JOB THEY GET MAD AT ME WHEN I LET PEOPLE RETURN THEIR ASSIGNMENTS BECAUSE WE’RE SHORT HANDED AT TIMES AND I DONT KNOW HOW I GOT INTO ALL OF THIS I JUST WANTED TO BE A SECRETARY AND READ TRASHY NOVELS AND MY EX GOT ME THIS JOB BUT NOW IM SINGLE AND STRESSED AND IM SORRY I CALLED YOU CUTE AND LITTLE PLEASE JUST DO YOUR JOB SO I DONT GET YELLED AT MORE.”[/b] She says over the span of a quarter second moderately loudly. Shun maintains his cold stare at her, unflinching at the rapid fire (and very confused) apology. Yui huffs a few times, catching her breath. [color=cc0000] ”...alright Yui. I appreciate the input and will get it done. Thank you. I apologize if I upset you.” [/color] He says coolly, standing up and walking towards the waiting room, leaving the poor girl to attempt to recover on her own. [b]”Thank you Baba-san….”[/b] she wheezes as the sheep demon walks away. The sheep demon pushes the door the waiting room open, one eye glowering out into the room behind a sea of bangs. Directly at the crouching scaled woman currently eyeing the office chairs like they had a history together. . [color=cc0000]“Excuse me,”[/color] he says, uncomfortably reminded of his stature by the dragon girl. God, he must REALLY look like a child next to her… he shakes the thought from his mind and continues.[color=cc0000] “You are the dragon girl who fell earlier today, is that correct?”[/color] [@Raineh Daze]