[center][h3]Rylen | Dune Town Gym[/h3] [/center] [hider=Team] [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/larvitar.gif[/img] LV: [15] > [17] Ability: Guts Item: N/A Moves: - Bite - Chip Away - Sandstorm - Screech [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/rufflet.gif[/img] LV: [12] > [14] Ability: Sheer Force Item: N/A Moves: - Fury Attack - Peck - [s]Leer[/s] Hone Claws - Wing Attack [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [list][*] Wallet - 300P [*]x4 Pokeballs [*]x5 Potions [/list] [/hider] Rylen was at the gym early, he had eaten a bit along the way with a small snack, giving Larvitar and Rufflet some too, it was basically breakfast, but they planned on eating more when they returned to meet the others again, for now, Rylen was here to challenge the gym. Under normal circumstances he would wait and go with everyone, but after all that's happened he needed time to himself for this. The gym was a pretty homely structure, honestly he could only tell just because there was a big sign outside. As he entered, as he expected like every other gym, this gym also acted as another facility, in this case it seemed to be a construction facility. Based on architecture they made the houses in the area. As Rylen walked in, the Gym Leader made himself known. [color=a36209]"A trainer huh? You're here unusually early, normally challengers come by a bit later. I'm Homer by the way, this gym's leader",[/color] [color=f7941d]"Yeah, but a lot's happened... In any case, I'm here to challenge you for this gym's badge"[/color], he responded. He seemed to be a fair bit more serious than yesterday. [color=a36209]"You seem a bit wound up... But a job's a job, so how many badges do you have?"[/color], asked the gym leader, as he stepped over to a panel on the wall. He seemed to have an idea why, considering the events of last night, the Gym Leader hasn't had the most restful evening, still he was a working man, and focus amidst tiredness was no new feat to him. [color=f7941d]"I don't have any right now"[/color], as soon as Rylen said that, Homer picked out one of the panels and procured two Pokeballs from it. [color=a36209]"I use this team quite a bit, seems most new trainers come from Estoria huh? Well then kid, step up"[/color], he said, as both he and Rylen stepped up to the arena. It wasn't hard to miss, in fact it was already in-between them, they just had to reach the designated spots. He hit a panel a few times, and an electronic judge made itself known. [hider=The long-ass battle] Homer looks at the kid standing in front of him and says, [color=a36209]"Drilbur. Let's do this."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Alright, you're up",[/color] Rylen pulled a Pokeball from his belt and called forth Rufflet. [color=f7941d]"Leer, keep it on it's toes"[/color], Rufflet opens up with Leer to lower defenses while seeing what to do next. [color=a36209]"Drilbur counter with Metal Claw"[/color] Drilbur did as Homer commanded and went in for a Metal Claw. [color=f7941d]"Wing Attack, go for broke!"[/color], Rufflet clashes with Wing Attack, taking the attack head on, but aiming to do some damage at the same time, swiping right through and past the Drilbur as it takes the Metal Claw as well. After the two Pokemon give passing blows to the other Drilbur turns to face the Rufflet but slips slightly. Homer quickly gave out another command, [color=a36209]"Regain your footing and wait for him."[/color] After recovering its footing the Drilbur puts it's claws up ready to defend. [color=f7941d]"Careful, don't rush in just yet, Leer",[/color] Rufflet turns with a Leer to stare down it's defense, looking for an opening as it circles the Drilbur, Peck ready for the slightest misstep. [color=a36209]"Looks like he ain't taking the bait. Go at him with Fury Swipes."[/color] Drilbur darted torwards the Rufflet with its claws to the side to use Fury Swipes. [color=f7941d]"Match it, Fury Attack!"[/color], Rufflet decides to use Fury Attack instead, to match the Fury Swipes blow for blow, once there was a rhythm going, [color=f7941d]"now Peck!",[/color] Rufflet sneaked in a more powerful Peck in an attempt to overpower in the heat of the clash. Neither Homer nor Drilbur expected the peck to come and Drilbur was knocked backwards as a result. [color=a36209]"Drilbur look out!"[/color] but the warning was to late. [color=f7941d]"Let's finish this up! Wing Attack!"[/color] Not letting up, Rufflet charges in for a Wing Attack to deliver a coup de grace. Drilbur does his best to throw up his claws for defense but it doesn't do much and the Drilbur is sent tumbling onto its back. [color=a36209]"Drilbur!"[/color] [i]"Drilbur is unable to battle and Rufflet wins."[/i] [color=a36209]"Drilbur, that's all for now bud. Diglett it's your time to shine."[/color] Homer says as he calls back Drilbur and sends his Diglett in. Rufflet though a bit beat, is still ready to roll. Ruffling it's feathers to clean itself down and recompose for the next fight. Though slightly tired, it seemed quite determined to continue. As soon as Diglett appeared from its Pokeball it looks at the opposing Rufflet. [color=a36209]"Sand Attack, Quick!" [/color]Diglett then uses Sand Attack to hide its location. [color=f7941d]"Get back!",[/color] Rufflet no longer able to see it's foe keeps an alert eye out for where the Diglett may appear. Although it had no problem avoiding the Sand Attack by hovering a little into the air and backwards before landing quite quickly, the Diglett is nowhere to be seen. Not wanting to risk announcing their course of action Homer merely says, [color=a36209]"Diglett, you know what to do."[/color] As soon as it seemed the Rufflet lost sight of Digglet the mole Pokemon burrowed down waiting for the sand to disapate. A few seconds after the sand disapeared Diglett burst out of the ground behind Rufflet to Scratch it. Rufflet turned within moments after the Diglett emerged from the ground, although it took a hit from Scratch, "quick! Peck!" Rufflet attempted to take this chance to hit it with Peck. The Diglett's stealthy advance startled it, making the attack rushed. [color=a36209]"Magnitude now!" [/color]Quickly the Diglett uses magnitude in order to try and throw off the Rufflet's balance to stop it's Peck. [color=f7941d]"Back up!"[/color] Rylen orders to retreat and avoid the Magnitude, abandoning the Peck as it flies up, landing again after the Magnitude transpires. [color=a36209]"Diglett use Mud Slap then dive down and wait to strike." [/color]As Rufflet begins to land Diglett hurls a Mud Slap at it then dives underground to follow up with a Scratch if the Rufflet attempts to dodge. Rufflet decides to stay aloft to avoid the Mud Slap, soaring a bit higher over the attack with another flap of it's wings, realizing that Diglett's stealth and speed is it's greatest asset, Rylen orders Rufflet to use Leer over the ground below it as it starts hovering down to land again, [color=f7941d]"Leer, watch for any movement".[/color] [color=a36209]"Diglett, throw a couple of Mud Slaps then hide." [/color]Since its trick didn't work Diglett emerged at the edge of the arena and launches another Mud Slap. Then it dives down and appears on the other side throwing another Mud Slap in the direction the Rufflet is going. Diglett does this one more time then tries to come up in an area where the Rufflet isn't looking to throw another Mud Slap. Then it hides underneath the ground waiting to strike again. At this point, Rufflet is just trying to avoid all the Mud Slaps, and just barely avoids the second one, before landing quickly atop a rock to rest it's wings for a bit. Still young and a bit injured, it can't fly for very long. There was no order for this, it seems Rylen was beginning to understand his flying Pokemon's limits here. [color=a36209]"Scratch quick."[/color] Once the Rufflet landed Diglett sprung from the ground towards the tired foe trying to Scratch. [color=f7941d]"All or nothing Rufflet! Wing Attack!"[/color], Rylen orders a gamble on a Wing Attack, landing the strike at the same time as taking the Scratch. On it's last legs it attempts to follow up immediately with a Peck before it must succumb to tiredness in full, which would leave it vulnerable. The Scratch had connected but the Rufflet was able to quickly counter with a winged attack. The diglett fell to the ground noticing the Rufflet coming towards it again. As Diglett was falling Homer yelled, [color=a36209]"Use Mud Slap ASAP."[/color] so as soon as it hit the ground Diglett grabbed some dirt and sent a Mud Slap directly towards the oncoming Rufflet. Unable to stop it's nosedive Peck, Rufflet takes a direct Mud Slap, between it's exhaustion and damage, it is now grounded and slowed down by the mud. Unable to attack as Diglett had changed position, and unable to move effectively, all it can do is wait and see if it can try and Peck, if it can muster the strength for it. "Oh no... Rufflet hang in there", he urged, though it was futile. [color=a36209]"Diglett, let's end this the way it began."[/color] Once the Rufflet landed Diglett moved to end the fight the way it started. Diglett used Sand Attack then dove to be right under Rufflet and burst out of the ground trying to make this the one final Scratch. Rufflet attempted to swerve out of the way, but could not move significantly in time to even let it graze, taking a clean hit and rolling back as it was defeated. [i]"Rufflet is unable to battle and Diglett wins."[/i] Rylen returned Rufflet to it's Pokeball before the Larvitar at his feet stepped forward into the arena. [color=f7941d]"You did well, your turn Larvitar".[/color] Homer could see his Diglett was tired and he told it to be careful and wait for a shot. Diglett, being slightly tired from moving around so much and the lucky strike knocking the wind out of it, caustiously approaches the Larvitar looking for an opening to strike the much larger opponent. [color=f7941d]"We're not gonna wait around, Screech, then Chip Away",[/color] Larvitar wastes no time and opens up with a Screech to try and make the Diglett flinch in surprise before going in for a Chip Away. Diglett bending over from the loud Screech starts digging down not noticing that Larvitar was darting towards it and just barely looked up at it's attacker due to a warning from Homer but it was no use and Diglett received the hit straight on. Once it recovered from the attack it attempted to use Magnitude [color=f7941d]"Grab hold and weather the Magnitude, then Bite!"[/color] The Magnitude would come out at the same time as Larvitar clamped down with a Bite, at the same time as grabbing hold, and then as the magnitude transpires, Larvitar would bite over and over again while grappling and preventing the Diglett from going underground. Not seeing many options Homer commanded his Diglett to use Magnitude again to try and loosen the Larvitar's grip. The Magnitude from the Diglett shook Larvitar off loosening it's grip as it stumbled back away giving Diglett a chance to escape as Larvitar recovered its footing. "Stay alert, use Chip Away when you see it", it was ready to charge in for another Chip Away the moment Diglett would appear, an almost assured hit. [color=a36209]"Mud Slap. Hurry."[/color] Diglett soon reimered behind Larvitar to throw another Mud Slap. Larvitar turned around to be met with a Mud Slap, but Chip Away did not rely on precision, allowing Larvitar to immediately retaliate with a hit. So long as Larvitar knew where it's opponent was, Chip Away would somehow hit. As soon as Homer realized Larvitar was coming at Diglett with another Chip Away he told his friend to use Magnitude again but was hit before it could do the attack. Larvitar with the Chip Away just kept battering away the moment any hit landed, resulting in a barrage until Diglett would somehow escape [color=f7941d]"that's it! Don't let up, keep hitting it".[/color] If Diglett did not find a way out soon, Larvitar would smell blood and end it with Bite. As Diglett was being pounded on Homer told it to Mud Slap the Larvitar so it reached to both sides and grabbed two clawfuls of dirt to try two consecutive Mud Slaps to attempt to knock back the rock skin pokemon and try for an escape. Larvitar kept very close proximity while using Chip Away, but it wasn't blinded. too close for a move like Mud Slap to have any real effect, Larvitar closed the distance back into hugging range and, [color=f7941d]"we've got him now, Bite!"[/color], Larvitar grappled the Diglett, before chomping down on the Ground Pokemon. With the constant barrage of attacks Diglett was to damaged and worn out to take advantage of the small minute gap between the Chip Away and the final Bite which sealed the deal. [i]"Diglett is unable to battle Larvitar wins. The winner is the challenger Rylen."[/i] [color=a36209]"Crud. Diglett come back and rest. You did good friend."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Alright! Nice work Larvitar"[/color], the Larvitar cheered over it's victory in its first gym battle. Rufflet did great too, opening the battle with that strong victory. After which, Homer stepped over to Rylen. [/hider] [color=a36209]"Good job, kid. You know your stuff. Keep battling like that and you'll do great. And for beating my gym I present to you your first gym badge."[/color] Homer proceeded to present to Rylen two objects. One was the unmistakeable Desert Badge of Dune Town's Gym and the other was TM28 Dig. [color=a36209]"Now, have a safe journey. Don't get into to much trouble, kid."[/color] And so Rylen went off his way with his first badge. He couldn't promise Homer that one last line, but still, he felt this was a good gauge of his abilities. First thing's first though... The healing machine was at the Police Station right? He should head there to heal up first before meeting back up with the rest.