“Hey it was just a thought!” Vin suddenly felt as though he were being ganged up on by the two girls, like it mattered whether he was carrying a shotgun, handgun, or a bazooka. “But I think I’ll defer to Christi’s expertise in the matter, [i]Jennifer[/i], since she is clearly more apt at using guns...and kni-” He quickly cut himself off, realizing that probably wasn’t a subject to broach at this time, nor anytime, considering it caused enough trauma for the little girl. At that point, Jennifer more or less stopped listening after being spooked by Jack the dog, who didn’t seem all that interested in bothering anyone at the moment. “Yeah, maybe you are giving off bad vibes, babe.” He snorted, as she passed him by and headed toward the edge of the thick forest where Nate had entered. He turned his attention back to the mine’s entry way, narrowing his eyes to have a better look down the dark corridor that lead into the unknown. He’d seen enough horror movies in the past to know that “old, abandoned mine shafts” were never the smartest places to venture into and yet his curiosity on the subject was piqued enough that he actually looked forward to it. On the other hand, the question did arise, which had been milling around in his head for awhile. “Why a mine shaft?” He finally said, tipping an old wooden crate upside down, and sitting a few feet away from Christi. “Eli couldn’t think of any other place to hide out besides…[i]this[/i]?” He didn’t know if he was directing the questions to the kid, or just asking rhetorical non-sense out loud that he already knew the answers to. Either way, Vincent could feel the exhaustion setting in, and even while he sat on the creaky box, his legs thanked him for the reprieve. Though he wasn’t the healthiest thirty-something, he kept in well enough shape not to die of a heart attack anytime soon, but the last few days have been the most daunting on his mind and body. He dazedly staring at the artwork inked into his arms, wondering when the next panic attack -or worse- would set off the evil bastard living inside him. Like [i]Jeckyl and Hyde[/i], Vin felt as though his curse was a culmination of two individuals rather than one, and he feared that the latter part would take over enough one day that he may never revert to his normal self again. “I never asked for this shit…” He sighed, mumbling to himself, but within earshot of Christi. [@Xandrya] [@Thundercrash]