Malakaus awoke that morning in the dingy inn he was staying at. For thirteen coppers he got a closet with a lock on it, which was really all he could afford. Bullets weren't cheap to make, and unfortunately he couldn't trade in lead. Still, he at least got some rest without anything being stolen from him. After leaving the cheap inn, the half-orc took out his invitation. Supposedly, he needs to go here and meet with the one who would give him the quest to help the king. Why they didn't do this afford a more public junction like the castle was beyond Malakaus. At least he knew where he needed to go. He would have been inside the city yesterday, but a back run in with some goblins and rough weather delayed the caravan he was traveling with, and the guards wouldn’t let them in after nighttime. Gearing up, Malakaus finished off his ensemble with a large dusty cloak. Once a intimidating black, now more of a faded brown due to all the wear and tear to it. Still it had a certain ruggedness to it that, while not quite as impressive as sheer black, at least gave it the impression that it has seen many roads. Even if the truth was far more simpler; Malakaus just neglected to wash or mend it. As he left the inn, he noticed an odd sight near a tree. A lone elf, but no normal elf; she was blue skinned. At first Malakaus thought she was a drow, but he quickly rationalized that would be HIGHLY unlikely. Just about as unlikely as a free roaming orc. At least as a half-orc Malakaus only has to worry about the occasional bouts of racism, instead of overt hostility. No, this elf wasn’t bother to disguise herself, from either bigots or the rising sun, so she couldn’t be a drow. So what was she? Malakaus intended to find out. [color=00a651]”Greetings. Did the guards tell you to turn around too?”[/color] Malakaus approached, most of his body and equipment hidden underneath his dusty cloak. While he had a high collar, he had no hood, making his orcish features plain to see. Green skin, prominent tusks, pointed ears. He gave the elf a toothy smile and bowed his head. [color=00a651]”Name’s Malakaus. What’s yours, stranger?”[/color] [@Riffus Maximus]