Watching the sun slowly rising from the horizon, Illistrianna was entranced in some way. This was one of her favourite time of the day. This natural beauty was something to behold, she always thought. Just as the moon lights up the sky at night and offers its benevolent light to those who can’t unravel the secrets in the dark, the sun gave brushes away the darkness and gives life to all. Rare were the times she actually was awake during the day to witness the sun in its fullest glory. She only recently had the opportunity to do so as she had left the village. However, a strange sight broke her trance. There was a gathering on a nearby hill. Normally she’d make out well what kind of people they were with her enhanced elven sight, but the early rising sun’s glare blinded her when she tried to look over the mound of earth. She wondered what these people could be doing at this time of the morning. Despite having good hearing, she couldn’t listen to what was being said, their spoken words sounding like the lowest of whispers. They are not only a bit too far for her to listen, but also a few levels above her as well. As she finished eating her apple while watching more and more people gathering on the hill, the elven maiden was taken by surprise. A low-pitched male voice came from beside her of a sudden. In her surprise, her back jerked straight, too suddenly. The back of her head hit the bark of the tree she was sitting against, making a thudding noise. [color=87CEFA]“Ow ow ow ow ow!”[/color] the priestess repeated, face cringing and teeth clenching. Her face turned to the source of the voice that took her by surprise. It was a large man; a high-collared black rugged cloak turned brown from dust and dirt accumulated from travels that covered most of his body, as if to protect him from the weather’s condition. However, she could make out a bit of his head, mostly the upper part, or rather mostly his black hairm from her sitting point of view. It was when he bowed his head after asking her name that she could make out his facial features. Tusks, green skin and pointy ears. No doubt about it, he was an Orc! Recovering from the pain subsiding, she couldn’t help but giggle at this silly scenario. She had never met Malakaus’ kin before, but she had heard plenty of stories about them from her village. She never thought her first meeting with one would surprise her as such with their legendary straight-forwardness. [color=87CEFA]“I-I’m sorry sir, you surprised me!”[/color] She said nervously, quickly getting up on her feet to greet the orcish stranger. [color=87CEFA]“I am Illistrianna Alderine, from Sylvyst. It is a pleasure to meet you!”[/color] She said, bowing politely with modesty. [color=87CEFA]“Indeed. I do not know why they aren’t letting anyone pass at night, but I guess they have their reasons, as frustrating as it is.”[/color] Illistrianna replied, apparently a bit upset as she was reminded of that fact. [color=87CEFA]“Although it’s not much of a problem. At least I get to watch this beautiful scenery unfolding before our eyes. Have you come to watch the sunset as well, Mr. Malakaus?”[/color] She said, with a soft smile of her own. [@Lucius Cypher]