[@User] Good call -- I may create the OOC a bit earlier than I had originally wanted to to try and attract more people. I am hesitant about putting up the IC early though, mainly because all of the characters have to be present on the ship at the beginning, and once the ball starts rolling there won't be any way to add new people (unless they want to take over an NPC). [@Starlance] Absolutely. Especially medicine & communication. I know it seems strange to say since there's an entire squad of soldiers going along with the expedition, but I definitely wouldn't call this a "military RP". Basically, the reason that the crewlist is so wonky (it includes soldiers, a scientist, a doctor, and a government official among others) is because the GC has no idea what's going on at the Willman Laboratory. No other colony has ever lost contact so suddenly and completely before, and it is especially concerning because this is the furthest human outpost in the universe. The GC is essentially throwing a handful of specialists at the situation and seeing what sticks.