[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VRbZLKx.jpg[/img] WISEAU THE WISE allows some FLIES to ATTEND WOMAN. DANCING to the MEAGER SPIRITS is BENEATH HER, but she TAKES TO THE SKY and CELEBRATES in HONOR of the FLIES. UG THE FABULOUS gets BUFF THROUGH DANCE. [img]http://i.imgur.com/2cpA8gp.jpg[/img] WOMAN heads off into the PLAINS in search of PORKCHOP. She hears HOWLING in the DISTANT WEST, but her TORCH WARDS OFF the DARKNESS. The FLIES buzz around her HEAD PROTECTIVELY. She will need to TRAVEL to the TEMPERATE PLAINS to find PORKCHOP. Do you travel NORTH, SOUTH, EAST OR WEST? WISEAU THE WISE gains +1 XP Religion: (Specifically: Lord of Flies) UG THE FABULOUS gains +1XP towards ???? (something to do with DANCING IN A RELIGIOUS MANNER.) UG THE FABULOUS gains +1XP to DANCING. WOMAN GETS +1 XP to EXPLORING. [/center] [b]Camp Information[/b] [hider=Camp Information] It is NIGHT. The temperature is COLD but the FIRE is HOT. have set up their home in a NICE CLEARING. SOME PRIMITIVE FARMING is UNDERWAY. PORKCHOP is MISSING. WOMAN is travelling towards the PLAINS. There is HOWLING in the DISTANCE. [b]Inventory:[/b] 1 Angry Spear Thing (in the PLAINS) WOMAN: 1 Torch WISEAU THE WISE, PRIESTESS of the LORD of FLIES: 1 Knife 1 Set of Clothes: Crudely made fur coat & top (previous owner: Wiseau) 1 Mysterious Glowing Bean 2 Giant Oranges (4 Potions) 4 Giant Orange Peel & Rind 2 Pips 3 Sticks 3 Flint 1 Pebble with a hole in 1 Orange Tree (Planted) 1 Unknown Fruit Tree (Planted) 2 Potato Seeds (Planted) 2 Shacks [4/4 Population] Lit Camp Fire[/hider][hider=Player Points] KnightShade: 14 Dinh AaronMk: 3 DeadBeatWalking: 4 Eklispe: 4 RedDusk: 6 Brasslazer: 4 Chapatrap: 1 [/hider]