[center][img]http://media.istockphoto.com/photos/smiling-young-black-man-playing-acoustic-guitar-in-nyc-park-picture-id512491946?k=6&m=512491946&s=170667a&w=0&h=XDnKQMkKIxnjnxFscyEelGpmL0PqRBKS7ApbQItXbrM=[/img][/center] [h1][center]'The Musician'[/center][/h1] Name: Arnold 'Ray' Dow Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Human Faction: Dweller Backstory: Arnold Dow was born in Vault 216 on September 10th, 2135. His father was a maintenance man and his mother was a teacher. By all accounts from their neighbors, Arnold would turn out to be as average as his parents. This, however, could not be wrong. From an early age, Arnold showed a talent for music and by the age of 8 had earned the nickname 'Ray' from his father, in tribute to the famous Ray Charles. Ray had a rather safe and shielded childhood in the vault. Despite some needling and harassment from children whose parents had better jobs, Ray was a reasonably popular kid. By age 13, Ray was known as 'The Musician' by many of the vault and was often invited to play for the citizens to lift their spirits and entertain. Ray started going out with a lovely girl named Lyla Jones when he was 16 and he felt that he could spend the rest of his life with her. Whether that was his teenage mind at work or if he truly felt it, is impossible to tell. But Ray's whole world changed when his father died of cancer at the age of 43, Ray was 18. Ray became more withdrawn talking only to Lyla and his mother. Anyone else who wanted to speak to him was out of luck and had to be satisfied with listening to his music, which increased in quality since the death of his father. In light of Ray's talent, he was allowed to bypass the G.O.A.T. and take up the role of Professional Performer. So for a few years, Ray kept to himself and his family and performed for the citizens of the vault. When he heard of the Ark Project and their mission to Ark Prime, Ray signed up without a second thought. The reception wasn't great. His mom was furious and his girlfriend was in tears, both convinced he would die a horrible death out in the wastes. And in the back of his mind, Ray couldn't help agreeing. But there was nothing for it now and as he suited up, he looked grimly to the future, hoping to make a difference. S: 5 P: 6 E: 5 C: 8 I: 8 A: 5 L: 4 Equipment/Gear: - 10mm Pistol - 50 Rounds - 5 Stimpaks - 3 Rad-a-Way - Reinforced Vault Suit - Respiratory - 3 Bottles of Water - 2 Ration Packs - Pip-boy 3000-D (Equipped with Sonar Upgrade) Strengths: - Exceptionally Skilled Musician: Ray is incredibly talented at Guitar, Piano, and Harmonica playing. He's also a good singer. - Quick-Thinker: Ray can think and make intelligent decisions under pressure. - Surprisingly Good at Math: He's good at math. Not exactly sure how this translates, but we'll see, won't we? - Charming: Ray is good at sweet-talking people, no doubt a result of learning how to work a crowd in a performance. Weaknesses: - Average Physical Physique: Not fat, not thin, but not necessarily in shape either. Just ordinary. - Lover, Not a Fighter: Ray isn't good at fighting of any sort. He's gonna have to work on that.