[quote=@Light] Well let's get an idea rolling, and I'll put up a new interest check when we figure it out. What genre do you all want? And what level of casual writing do you want? I usually write high-casual and will probably do so even if we allow casual or low-casual, but we should have a designated floor for other people who want to join. [/quote] Does it have to be a lengthy novel page like? I'm okay with Mid Casual, not high casual. XD [quote=@KiritoAsuna] I do have a general basis though. I was thinking about something futuristic theme but not in the usual sci-fi since . I was thinking more of disaster future and by that I don't nesaserily mean apocalyptic. I'm thinking more political or economic disaster that divided humanity or at least in the area that the rp takes place [/quote] That can work too, but isn't like that now? [hr] I was thinking of a VRMMORPG set in the future, but whatever makes the RP float is good too.