[hr][hr] [center] [h2][b][color=crimson]Matthew McConnell[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/55osEjfvZsMifW-vaYM96KqHEEs/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2015/01/02/068/n/1922283/eda4fb02e6285dd3_chris-pratt-gif-1/i/His-surprised-face.gif[/img] [/center] [hr] [center][b][color=crimson]Location:[/color][/b] The Raven[/center] [hr] Matthew tried to keep his composure, but of course, he couldn't keep back the snickering coming from his mouth. As Kayala begins walking towards him, Matt tries to act civil, sometimes "coughing" into his own arm to keep down the torments of laughter that wanted to bellow out of his mouth. Why does he think shooting a piece of gum was one of the most funniest things in the galaxy? Mostly due to a certain time he once did so, the victim not only getting mad as hell, but also smashing the entire cantina he happened to be in on Corellia. And it was anything but a Rancor in such destruction. Then again, he also found Kayala's reactions to be rather funny as well. As the short-haired blonde "questions" him about how possible such a piece of gum got on her shoulder, she presses the gum against his lips before crossing her arms over her chest; her foot tapping slightly as she eyes him. With his glove, Matt pulls out the gum from his lips as his laughing slowly deceases, wiping a tear that was on his right eye, while still holding that slingshot of his in the opposite hand. [b][color=crimson]"Heh-heh,"[/color][/b] wheezes Matt as he gets his words straight, [b][color=crimson]"N-No no! I-Iiiit was just a simple accident, ha-ha, you know? I mean, I-I totally didn't have a slingshot and tried to shoot your shoulder, ha, you know?"[/color][/b] He was simply lying at this point, but it didn't matter. As long as he gets a good laugh from it, he's perfectly fine... Such a man-child... [hr][hr] [center] [h2][b][color=A9A9A9]Kyatrah Selinema[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://www.churchofhalloween.com/wp-content/posts-2015/clementine-levy-1.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [center][b][color=A9A9A9]Location:[/color][/b]Medical Bay[/center] [hr] Kyatrah agrees with Morgbra's statement. Jaina was indeed a rather hard nut-case to crack. What she saw in the hangar bay was rather tame compared to some of the things she crossed upon. The Death Trooper could've shot her considering her no-nonsense behavior, yet she somehow refrains from doing so. She's simply mental. She doesn't mean to get in trouble, because as far as Kayla knows, Jaina thinks she's simply doing fine. Then again... perhaps a certain few were giving her some more... liberties then most. Kayla then walks over to the doctor as she sits on a nearby seat, her skull-face illuminating slightly due to the lighting in the medical bay. [b][color=A9A9A9]"Perhaps I may have a temporary solution..."[/color][/b] she answers calmly, [b][color=A9A9A9]"You may... not like it, but if done 'correctly', it could keep her in check, or at the very least could make her more easy to control."[/color][/b] As she grabs Morgbra's attention, she then tries asking him a question. [b][color=A9A9A9]"But first... answer me this, since your working with her often." "What does she FEAR? Because if there's something or someone that accounts to that... if one can manipulate and turn the cogs in her mind to something she fears cold-heartdly, perhaps we can use them to keep in her in check, or drag her more into reality."[/color][/b] Being one of the finest Imperial soldiers in the Empire's arsenal, she knows how fear and hate work, especially the former, despite not having any experience as a psychiatrist or psychologist. Her Death Squad has terrorized many planet nations for years, and even though the Empire is in shambles, their names are still known. And in the glory years of the Empire, fear was what kept the nations of the galaxy in check... at least for a long awhile anyways. Perhaps it can be easier to manipulate if it's on a single person...