[@BurningCold] Lots of questions! Awesome. The more people ask, the more incentive I have to flesh out literally every aspect of the universe :rock Alright, for post length I'd say a paragraph at a minimum for each post, but I'm really looking for quality and depth. I'd much rather one concise, developed paragraph to ten rambling ones with excess everything and needless small talk. However, I encourage everyone to write as much as they wish. As for frequency, a few times a week, maybe. The general rule that I've stuck by is don't have other people waiting on your post for longer than a day or two, and wait for at least two posts before making another one (I.e. You post, then RPer 1 posts, then RPer2 posts, then You post. Of course, occasional exceptions are fine). In terms of cybernetics, humanity will have developed them to an extent, though not to the point where people have become more machine than they are man. The universe of Event Horizon is [i]nowhere[/i] near the level of, say, the universe in Deus Ex. Cybernetic appendages are fine (rudimentary versions of these have been developed in the present day), so are mechanical tendons and muscle (in instances where an individual had, say, a crippling leg injury which prevented them from walking, but they still physically have their leg). In general, "physical" replacements and enhancements are fine -- things that allow folks to continue functioning -- while super high-tech things like cyborg eyes and, like, built in hacking features are nowhere near developed yet. As is, all cybernetic enhancements are still wildly expensive, meaning if someone has them, it's either because they need it (like they lost their hand) or they're super wealthy (and wanted to enhance their running abilities, or something). I'll try not to spoil much by answering this next question. Let me just say that, should you choose to play as, say, the Pilot of the ship bringing the expedition to the Willman Laboratory, you aren't just going to be flying back to Earth. Everyone on board that ship, including the crew, will be integral to the story -- and the bulk of Act 1 will take place exclusively in the settlement which includes the Lab. As for multiple characters, I've been thinking a lot about this, and I may have come up with a rather unorthodox solution. It might not work. If it does work, however, it'd be pretty cool. So, anyone is entitled to however many characters they'd like, as long as they pledge to give 100% to every single character (meaning, if you choose to have three characters, I'm expecting three paragraphs per post and have all of them be actively involved in the story). However, most people won't want to do that, as it'd be rather time consuming. So, when I create the OOC and put up the character sheet, I'll invite anyone (especially the people who have expressed interest here, because you guys are the only reason this thing is getting off the ground in the first place) to create Character Sheets for the NPCs. So say you make your character, who happens to be, like, a soldier on board the ship. However you also make the CS for the Doctor and the Mechanical Engineer. Then, when your initial character dies (and odds are, they will -- there will be a lot of death in this RP), you're free to pick up one of the characters that you helped make. In the mean time, while you're playing your first character, I'll be fully in charge for all the NPCs. Think of me as, like, the banker. All of the NPCs will be in my "bank" during the course of the roleplay, and you can choose to "withdraw" one to play as at any time, should your character die or if you wish to play as two characters. During that time, though, I can and will be killing off characters and developing them of my own accord until you choose to pick them up, and when that happens you become the person totally in control of them. Does that make sense, or was I just rambling? EDIT: [@The1Rolling1Boy] Thanks to you and BurningCold expressing interest, i'll be putting up the OOC today. The IC will go up as soon as everyone has their main Character Sheets up, so in a couple days (hopefully).