[quote=@Cynder] This is probably one of the best religious philosophies I've ever seen. [/quote] It also means that I theoretically have to offer him bloodshed to get what I want. :lol Translating Norse paganism into modern terms is a big pain in the ass. For instance you are not allowed into Valhalla unless you die in battle. .. for some insight, that meant that old people that were dying of old age were handed a spear and sword, and were then stabbed repeatedly so that they 'died with a sword in their hands' just so they can go to Valhalla. How does that translate to women? Short story: it doesn't. Long story: it does, but it requires you to die in childbirth (which is sometimes described as a battle even in old saga). How does that translate to modern times? Short story: it doesn't. Long story: it does, but it requires you to always fight for what you think is right even if nobody else sides with you. So, a verbal battle is seen as a battle too. But these are modern philosophies, so we are unsure if they are true, and so I am unsure if I will ever really go to Valhalla. I hope so, but only Óðinn decides if he sends the Valkyrja to get me. If so I can become Einherjar - [i]one time warrior[/i] and fight in Ragnarök. If not.. then I will likely spend my eternity either 100% dead, or 100% in some other world that isn't as good as Valhalla. Another thing that is required is 100% pure blood. It's described by 'jarl' being fair, with pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. He can go to Valhalla, since he is of the right blood, and from the right earth. (The North.) Jarl literally translates as a rank equal to duke. They were noble men. Thrall on the other hand can't go to Valhalla - he is described as ugly, dumb and dark (likely meant for skin, but not in the 'white black' terms but in terms of tan. Because southerners were less pale than northerners, this could be anything from Italians, Spanish and Moors to Africans. There are 100% factual accounts of Vikingr in Greece, so who knows). He can't enter Valhalla. Now my question is: that's nice, I have blue eyes and blonde hair and I am pale. But over the years it's possible my blood became impure. Can I still go to Valhalla? These questions are deep fought within the Pagan community and I have to admit there's wide varieties of ideas and a lot of the ideas are straight up things I can't agree with. :/