Sol stood under the night's sky. The city a glorious monument of advance of humans in the world. They had survived, evolved and gotten a lot better with each passing day even. Their technology was truly a marvel in itself. They were mere mayflies in the passage of time and yet that only made them advance in a way no other creature did as far as he knew. Such was also hte city of Rosefort or as he liked to call it, the balance point between heaven and hell for all sorts of curious and outherworldy things walked it's darkness at night. He looked up at the night's sky. Clouds were obscuring the moon and there was a certain humidity in the air. A storm was coming and it was going to wash the city of all it's dirt. By morning people would be able to see a rare sight of it's clean state. Suddenly his senses picked something, this city was not stranger to supernatural creatures of all kinds roaming it's streets, but the thing that had just arrived was different. He stopped midway his step, as he looked around and made a turn on the nearest alley, heading towards a now abandonded building nearby.