Current character sheet skeleton (If you want to use a different skeleton be my guest, just include all information this one asks for!)(May have small changes to it when the OOC is posted.) Add ] to close off all codes [H1]Character name[/h1 [H3]Quote that inspires your character[/h3 Picture of your character (realistic preferred, but if you'd like to use anime that's ok.) [B]Appearance:[/b (2 paragraph minimum.) [B]Personality:[/b (2 paragraph minimum) [B]History:[/b (2 paragraph minimum) [B]Metahuman Classification:[/b Please be as detailed as possible. 2-3 paragraphs, may also be done in bullet point form. Required information, what you are, what you can do, weaknesses, strengths, any other pertinent information related to you're more than human nature, or are pertinent skills. [B] Allergies:[/b if applicable [B]Pre-existing conditions:[/b if applicable If you're character has abilities that would set them above even other Metahumans, I.e. The Voice of God (Allows a person to control another person's actions due to the power of their voice in a nutshell.) Your character will be severely handicapped at all times, unless school officials remove whatever blocks they put in place. Your character will be turned basically human, so think carefully when designing your character, I'll tell you if your character would have limits placed on them.