[hider=Sheet] [code] [H1]Character name[/h1] [H3]Quote that inspires your character[/h3] [img]Picture of your character (realistic preferred, but if you'd like to use anime that's ok.)[/img] [B]Appearance:[/b] (2 paragraph minimum.) [B]Personality:[/b] (2 paragraph minimum) [B]History:[/b] (2 paragraph minimum) [B]Metahuman Classification:[/b] Please be as detailed as possible. 2-3 paragraphs, may also be done in bullet point form. Required information, what you are, what you can do, weaknesses, strengths, any other pertinent information related to you're more than human nature, or are pertinent skills. [B]Allergies:[/b] if applicable [B]Pre-existing conditions:[/b] if applicable[/code] [/hider] For those too lazy, you can copy the sheet from the hider XD. No need to finish off the tags.