[center][h1][color=8493ca] EDEN[/color] [/h1][/center] [hider=c.s.][center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/jfsoh6n71/197646.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Eden was drunk. She heard her cell phone receive a text message and she had to put it on the ground to keep it from moving on her. [color=8493ca]" in my room..."[/color] She stumbled to her feet and held onto whatever was closest to her and she made her way to his room. When he opened the door he had to catch her as she fell into his arms laughing. Never having seen her drunk and upset before he was taken by surprise. Once she steadied herself she made her way to the bed in his bedroom. She took off her bikini and climbed into his bed and under the covers. [color=8493ca]"Kyle...I.. you know I love you...but I can't deal with Kieran killing people. I don't know if Wicked can help get rid of him or not but you should let her try."[/color] Eden tried wiping the wetness from her face and seemed surprised that it was wet. [color=8493ca]"If she can't ...I'll go back to Asguard. Come and love me...I don't want to think about that anymore. I just want you."[/color] She crawled to him and pulled him to her and then pulled him down to her and smiled at him. [@dabombjk]