[@Wick] Angel tilted his head silvery eyes boring into wicked's. [color=pink]"Cupid can't come right now. He's rather....broken up"[/color] he rolled his shoulders. [color=pink]"I haven't been out in so long...I kept being pushed aside"[/color] he shook his head causing white hair to fall forward and cover his right eye. [color=pink]"Whatever you need to tell him you can tell me. Since he's incapable of handling anything"[/color] arms crossed and wings folded just so angel looked like a drawing of a biblical angel come to life. This was indeed the guardian angel side. A side that hadn't been out in about 10 years. A side that was also rather upset about not being out for so long. Though was clearly speaking the truth about Cupid not doing well. This side would never lie.