[center][b][h2]Sully Ravello[/h2][/b] [code]Briefing Room, Underground Facility, Somewhere in California[/code][/center] The long table of the large, technology-clad room was decorated with such strange and foreign faces. The young men and women that had been gathered before them shared a variety of expressions, fear, anger, confusion, but they were all still... [i]strange[/i] to him. Perhaps it was because he had never seen them before, until now. Perhaps it was also because they all shared similar characteristics. If he would tell anyone that these young adults were infused with powers from a video game they enjoyed playing, they would look at him as if he were crazy. But it was the truth, and he, especially [i]him[/i], of all people, couldn't help it. Sully stood at the head of the table, his hands clasped behind his back as he eyed the new faces. The one that almost always talked to him at the cafe, a brunette with wide eyes, stared up at him like a child that was expecting to be scolded. He almost didn't spare her a glance-- she was too distracting, especially since she was a bit too talkative. The dark-haired man that had to be drugged seemed to be able to walk about on two feet; he didn't slump over in his chair, and his sharp gaze was clear and focused as he glowered at him. Sully knew that the boy would have sprang at him, if it wasn't for the armed guards standing at the doorway. The ammunition that they would use would not be fatal, but as soon as the tranquilizer would break skin, the offender would be out within a heartbeat. [b]"Is everyone here?"[/b] Sully mumbled more to himself than the brunette that lurked somewhere behind him. [b]"Yeppers,"[/b] Roxanne bobbed her head enthusiastically, glancing at the screens that provided the information that Sully was about to present to them. [b]"Just hopin' they'll take it well."[/b] Sully clenched his jaw. [i]They have to,[/i] he thought. [i]If they don't, they'll be dead before the week is over. That or... become one of [b]them[/b].[/i] He cleared his throat, turning back towards the eight individuals before him. [b]"Greetings,"[/b] Sully began, his hands gripping at each other behind his back. [b]"As you all might know, I am Sully Ravello. You might have seen me before, but that isn't the point. I've gathered all of you here to give you vital information that will save your lives. Now, if you would lend me your ears..."[/b] [b]"We are part of an organization called the Syndicate. Don't bother wondering if you heard of us before-- trust me, you haven't," [/b] Sully's words fell out of his mouth with ease as he spoke, his voice flowing over the room. [b]"The Syndicate is a top-secret organization that is linked to the very core of this nation's military. Navy, army, air force, SEALS... all of these groups have worked hand in hand with us. A few years ago, a young man approached us with a revolutionary idea: focus our time and money on creating super soldiers."[/b] [b]"However, he didn't mean the type of super soldiers that you see in movies like Captain America or Iron Man,"[/b] Sully continued. [b]"He wanted something [i]far[/i] greater. This individual claimed that the powers taken from basic video game characters, like Mario or Kirby, and injected straight into a soldier's being, would create a huge advantage in both present and future wars. He also explained that he had found a way to complete such a task. After some time of thinking, the government decided it would be best to listen to him, as times were dark and we were desperate to protect our nation and its allies."[/b] [b]"That was when the Syndicate was formed. We focused on making this young man's idea come true. At times, it seemed like our little project was at a standstill. He would lose interest, and return to playing his games for more inspiration. This was around the time when that game... [i]League of Legends[/i], was in its early stages of life. Unsurprisingly, he took a great interest to the game... and more ideas began to come forth from his mind. He said that super powers like Mario's double jump and Kirby's eating power were silly and childish compared to the powers of characters like Ashe or Vayne or Master Yi."[/b] [b]"The machine that he created a few years prior, the CORE, was ready to test out such a theory. But before regular soldiers could test out such a creation, he first needed a subject willing to participate in an experiment,"[/b] Ravello's eyes scanned the table as he continued. [b]"If the experiment failed, then it would result in death. No one was willing to sacrifice themselves... except me. He was eager when I claimed I would be his first subject, and booted the machine up in order to begin the test. I don't really recall what happened... but I'm pretty sure I'm alive,"[/b] he shrugged. [b]"The experiment was a success. He was ecstatic about it. What do you expect when an antisocial genius finds out that he isn't crazy, after all?"[/b] [b]"He wasn't the only one that was happy. The Syndicate and the military were rushing to get their paws on the CORE. But he wanted to infuse himself with powers, before anyone else could use it... and it didn't turn out so pretty,"[/b] he paused for a moment. [b]"You can pretty much guess what champion's powers he chose. After receiving the abilities, he became a lunatic, hungry for power. He took the CORE for himself, and indulged himself in creating more 'superior' subjects and machines... sometimes against the will of his lab rats."[/b] [b]"We don't know where he is, or what exactly he is doing,"[/b] Sully heaved a long sigh. [b]"But we know that, someway, somehow, you guys received your champion's powers. And we aren't the only ones that know. That is why we brought you here. We suspect that he's right on your tails, and if he captures any one of you..."[/b] he shook his head. [b]"Well, I'm pretty sure that none of you want to find out."[/b] Sully found himself winded as he once again looked over each face at the table. His face remained serious as he hoped that all of them understood the situation that they were on, remaining silent as he awaited their reactions. [@rivaan] [@DFA] [@Brasslazer] [@Eklispe] [@Kiddo] [@Kit N Kat]