At first, he didn't realize what the yokai was asking him. Had his brain got all scrambled from one too many hits in that squabble? Then he realized that Hattori had come crashing through the window just a few moments too late to hear the good news. "We're being treated to a Rank Challenge tomorrow," he explained as he stood against the wall, arms folded, "You were out cold while he was telling me about it." Actually, he would have liked a little more information about the process because it felt abrupt. He hadn't been a C rank for long, and part of him wondered if the Shinigami's appearance had had anything to do with the decision. It didn't sit right. In fact, it made him even more uneasy to think that Chosokabe hadn't called in backup to save their asses. People like that didn't show up to do favors and goodwill projects. Shima was the type of guy who took orders about shadowy problems and made them disappear. A low class Berserker wouldn't be a blip on his radar, and based on the not so friendly greeting, neither would his kid brother. At least, not on a normal day. "I'm proud of you both," Miko added, clutching the book in her hands with a clear look of repentant bashfulness, "It's a good sign that the headmaster is noticing you. There's so much talent here that it's easy to blend in... which would be a shame for you guys." Yunosuke playfully nudged her shoulder, "We don't know the first thing about subtlety." That seemed to cheer her up a little, but he couldn't help still feeling suspicious. "Truth be told, though, I don't like this at all. I have a bad feeling that something unpleasant is coming." The last thing he wanted to do was point fingers, so he quickly removed a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, taking a deep drag to signify he was not in the mood to elaborate further. He felt furious currents of wind and glanced up to see Miko waving her book at him, more accurately at the tiny orange glow that gave the cigarette its soul, with a horrified expression. "Not in [i]here.[/i] What is wrong with you?" That drew out a chuckle, but he still remained resolute, "I've had a long day, and I want to clear my head to make sure I'm not getting paranoid." Yunosuke looked back at Hattori, "How are you feeling? Are you gonna be able to take such an important test tomorrow?" Admittedly, he asked as a means of introspection. He'd absolutely love to hear his partner say he was a little caught off-guard, because it would make him feel a little more comfortable with the whole thing. He didn't want to push the yokai with questions or his outlook on today's events while they were in the building. In fact, he wanted to be on the other side of the veil as fast as he could.