[center][color=ec008c]Hotaru/Dune City[/color][/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki][/center] [center][@Heckno12][/center] [center][@Sketcher][/center] [hider=Hotaru's Team] [hider=Zed] [img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen6/xy-animated/092.gif[/img] Ability [color=00aeef]Levitate[/color] Level 13 Size: Average Item N/A Moveset Hypnosis - Spite - Lick - Curse [/hider] [hider=Nephrite] [img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen6/xy-animated/228.gif[/img] ability [color=f7941d]Flash Fire[/color] Level 11 Size: Medium Item N/A Moveset Smog - Ember - Howl - Headbut [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] PokeWallet: Empty 4x[img]http://pldh.net/media/items/ball/pokeball.png[/img] 5x[img]http://pldh.net/media/items/heal/potion.png[/img] [/hider] After she was done with the sketch she got up and headed forth. She felt she gave Rylen enough time to challenge the gym. She felt it was now her turn. She needed this,... no her pokemon needed this. If she ever dreamed of defeating Nexus and crushing them for good she had to get stronger. She returned her pokemon to their balls and then proceeded forward. She saw the gym and wondered if she would catch Rylen within out at least heading out already. He was much more skilled in battling then she was. Almost as if he was already prepared for it. She arrived at the doors and took a deep breathe and then entered. It was much different then she expected and it caused her to raise a brow. She looked around for someone that looked like a gym leader and when she thought she spotted someone she coughed to get his attention.[color=92278f]"Are you the gym's owner?"[/color] She asked and he smirked and shook his head crossing his arms. She suddenly felt a tap at her shoulder and looked around to see Homer standing there. He wasn't what she expected. She expected some large man with giant muscles but what she got was someone who looked like one of those people you see at a peace rally. [color=a36209]"Hi, you lookingoking for me?"[/color] She bowed her head slightly. [color=92278f]"Apologies,... who are all these people?"[/color] [color=a36209]"Oh them? they are helping out with the repairs of the pokemon center. Heard a bunch of kids were involved."[/color]She pointed to herself when he said that and he rose his brow. [color=a36209]"Your telling me a little girl like yourself had a hand in fighting off those thugs huh? Nice."[/color] She then looked at his healer and then back at him. [color=92278f]"I didn't get the chance to heal them? Can I use your machine real quick and then battle you for the gym badge? I want to become stronger so that bad people like that can't run around unchecked"[/color] He nodded crossing his arms and made a gesture towards it. She took that as a yes and then after she was done what came next was her first gym battle. [hider=Hotaru vs Homer] As Hotaru and the Gym Leader Homer stepped to their respective positions, he sent out Drilbur. Hotaru standing opposite of him saw the ground type and decided to chance it. She started off by sending out Houndour. "Go Nephrite,..." [color=a36209]"Drilbur use Mud Slap",[/color] the Drilbur stepped forward at the same time as sweeping up along the ground beside it with its claws, throwing spray of mud at the Houndour, attempting to lower its speed as it closed distance. [color=92278f]"Alright Nephrite, lower your head and get in there with a headbut, then try a ember attack close range."[/color] The houndour lowered his head and charged forward. The mudslap hitting him in the face as he charged forward going for a headbut while charging up for a ember attack. Drillbur was caught off guard by the Headbutt charging through and took a hit, but as the Ember was coming, "[color=a36209]"Drilbur, Rapid Spin!"[/color] The Drilbur spun rapidly around, reducing the damage from the ember as it was deflected around it greatly. [color=a36209]"Now Metal Claw"[/color], as soon as that ended, it was back at it with a Metal Claw. Houndour having taken the Mud Slap was a little slowed down with mud building up on it, but it was still not very much. [color=92278f]"Brace yourself Nephrite you've been slowed by the mud slap. No point in trying. Just let it get in close and bite down hard."[/color] Houndour growled at the Drilbur and then locked it's legs in attempt to brace for the hit. The hit did some damage but Houndour had to shake it off and moved in for a bite attack. [color=a36209]"We still have control, Rapid Spin",[/color] its quite hard to bite down on something that was spinning rapidly as Houndour's fangs were forced to back up as it took a light hit. As it finished spinning, the momentum was set back into a reset. Now it was more a quick draw. Hotaru frowned at the counter attack as Houndour yelped. She had to think fast and quick. She then recalled her fight with Nexus and smiled. [color=92278f]"Alright Nephrite lets do this like we did to them Nexus goons. Use a smog attack with a chance of weakening it and then use ember attack!"[/color] Houndour was starting to get a bit annoyed with this fight. It ran forward and fired forth a smog attack and once that was done he fired off a ember. [color=a36209]"Rapid Spin!"[/color], the Smog being a smokey attack was warded off quite easily, but as soon as it did that, the Smog had surrounded it, and the Ember spread like wildfire through the Smog. It may not have done as much damage as if it had hit directly, but Drilbur was burned and taken some fire damage from all sides. [color=a36209]"We can't let them do that again, Mud Slap again, and then Fury Swipes"[/color], that was a lot of actions. It was an all-in. Drilbur was on its last legs and this was a gamble. Hotaru knew they had the upper hand now,.. well not too much Houndour was starting show some fatigue from the current hits. They would need to finish this as quickly as posible. [color=92278f]"Alright Nephrite let's go with a howl attack and then use another headbut!"[/color] Houndour was able to dodge the mud slap with the drilbur being weakened but it did take a few of the fury swipes. Afterwards it barked out with a howl attack and then lunged forward with a headbutt atttack. [color=92278f]"Now that your close go for a bite attack as well."[/color] If the headbut hit or not that didn't matter being so close it would also prepare to bite down once more. Between the burn and exhaustion, it couldn't even dodge the Headbutt, but the Bite that followed would finish Drilbur off handily. Burn reduced it's damage with physical attacks too, so there was no power to the Fury Swipes. Now unable to battle, Drilbur was returned to its Pokeball. [color=a36209]"You did great, that was a solid round... Now, your turn Diglett!"[/color], he pulled out a Pokeball and hurled it out, calling forth his Diglett. [color=a36209]"I guess I'm not going to wait around, Magnitude",[/color] he ordered, and sure enough the ground began to shake like an earthquake. As much as Nephrite wanted to dodge this attack there was no use and the attack being a ground type move he was hit hard. Even if it was a direct solid hit, it still finished him sending him to the ground. He was out and that left Hotaru with one more pokemon. [color=92278f]"Alright your turn Zed!"[/color] She recalled Nephrite into his pokeball and threw out Zed. She already knew what she was going to try. [color=92278f]"Alright Zed open up by placing a curse on that diglett, then follow up with a hypnosis attack!"[/color] Zed's eyes glowed as it performed the curse placing it on the diglet. Afterwards it then sent forth it's hypnosis. [color=a36209]"Quick! Get under ground!"[/color], as the Ghastly's eyes began to glow, the Diglett disappeared underground. The curse being what it was, would definitely land, but the Hypnosis had definitely not hit its mark. [color=a36209]"Now Mud Slap",[/color] as the Diglett suddenly popped up outside of Ghastly's line of sight, it hurled a wad of mud at the Ghastly. Zed was ready for this as his special ability kicked in. The slap did not even hit him and just levitated. [color=92278f]"Alright Zed, use spite and then go in for a lick attack!"[/color] Zed's eyes glowed once more as it used spite on the move mud slap and then rushed in it's tongue sliding out as it whipped it at the diglett. [color=a36209]"Reposition, then Astonish!"[/color], the Diglett copped the Spite, but avoided the Lick as it disappeared underground again, popping up again and screeching while aggressively attacking the Ghastly with Astonish. Surprise was what made Astonish work, as long as it can maintain this, it can keep it up. Zed took the hit of the astounish. There wasn't much he could do with it popping up from the ground. Hotaru had to think of something and remembered the curse still in effect and with spite she could weaken it. [color=92278f]"Get up high Zed and use spite to weaken it's moves! Then after a spite use Hypnosis!"[/color] Zed flew up higher off the ground hoping to be out of the diglett's range and then used spite and followed with a hypnosis. [color=a36209]"Keep it up. Reposition and Astonish, again and again",[/color] Homer knew that the Curse was beginning make some damage, but he was more worried about the Spite, as the Hypnosis was avoided effortlessly. After about two rotations of the same moves from both Pokemon, the Diglett suddenly popped out the third time trying to use Astonish, but nothing came. The Spite had finally built up enough, barring it from any further moves. In this moment of shock, its speed would not help it. Hotaru smiled at this and pointed towards the diglett. [color=92278f]"Alright Zed dive in and give that diglett a good taste with a lick attack!" [/color] Zed let himself drop using what weight he had for momentum and then swung forward with his tongue. [color=92278f]"After that point blank shoot out that hypnosis!"[/color] Zed did not argue the point it prepared with its eyes glowing. Once the lick was over it would perform another hypnosis. Once the Diglett was put to sleep, it was over, in that moment of shock, the Hypnosis had time to take effect, and the Licks would only finish it off as the Curse damage did its work. Diglett had fainted, and Hotaru was victorious. Hotaru smiled and jumped in the air as she saw the match came to an end. The cure move was always a gambit due to its toll. She ran over to Zed and gave him a massive hug. She then waited for the gym leaders words. [color=a36209]"Good work Diglett, a fine match",[/color] he said as he returned the Diglett to its ball. It was almost lunch time and the gym was a bit more filled, both with people who were working on the Pokemon Center construction, and people who simply trained at this gym. He began walking over to Hotaru. [color=a36209]"Congratulations, a lot of solid challengers today, I have high hopes for the future. In honor of your first victory at an official gym, the Dune Town Gym, I present to you the Desert Badge",[/color] he said, he pulled from a small case in his pocket, and present to Hotaru a shining beige badge, it looked to have the design of sand dunes. Considering the area this town was in, it was almost like a test for what was ahead. [color=a36209]"And of course, a TM just for you",[/color] he stepped over to a small panel and pulled a small disk drive out from it, there seemed to be numerous. He handed it to Hotaru. [color=a36209]"This TM contains Dig, don't worry about it "expiring", in fact I'm surprised I'm still required to tell people this considering how far this technology has gone for so long... Anyways, it contains Dig. You'll avoid the opponents attacks for one turn, and come out with a powerful Ground attack... Just watch out for moves like Earthquake alright?"[/color], and with that he left Hotaru to do as she wished, leave, or even stay awhile if she had any reason to. Meanwhile, Homer was heading over to the healing machine again to keep his Pokemon ready for anymore challengers, just in case. [/hider] She took the badge and then looked at Zed. The Gastly smiled right back seeing as she was pleased. She chased off after the gym leader and once Zed caught up she poked his shoulder.[color=92278f]"My father is in the hospital right now,.. he was in the fire at the pokemon research lab in Estonia. I think it would help his recovery if he saw his little girl standing next to her first gym leader."[/color] She said. He looked over at her and he quickly nodded smiling right back. It was a sad story to hear but she didn't press it so he wouldn't out of respect. She pulled forth her camera and pulled forth the stick and attached the two and then held it out in the air positioning it above them. She then hit the button on the stick and it took the picture. Immortalizing the moment into a digital device. Once that was over she used his healer once more and then shaked his hand one more time. She had no idea what she would use the disk for. Perhaps she would get a pokemon that could use a good move like that. Once she headed out she started for the oasis again. She bet her friends wondered where she went. That or they where on their way too.