[quote=@KatherinWinter] Griffin growled annoyed. Someone, he thought it was Connor but it was hard to be sure in the dark, said that the darkness was an illusion. Apparently that was enough for some of the others to break free but not enough for him. The darkness lessened but didn't disappear completely. He heard Kassy say she could help. He used his sense of smell and hearing to find the girl. Once he found her he growled. [color=f7941d]"Help us get ride of this illusions."[/color] [/quote] Kassy nodded quietly, and tried to give an encouraging smile to the furry boy who had just showed up in front of her. "Alright. I'm sorry in advance for this." She brought up her hands to cup his face. Griffin would probably realize that Kassy's hands, while soft, were rather cold and clammy, almost slick. Kassy exhaled slow, and nudged her way into his mind, pushing the illusion that the room was bright. She didn't look through his psyche or dig at all. She simply told his mind that there was light, and she felt the presence, the other illusion, start to loosen. Once she was certain it was gone, she let her own illusion free. "There, you should be able to see." [quote=@Spriggs27] [h2][center][color=00746b]Emily Nakajima[/color][/center][/h2] When the darkness engulfed them all in the room, Nakajima didn't feel scared or startled as everyone else in the darkness, she felt odd, more at ease and comfortable not being seen or noticed in this vast cloud of darkness. She almost felt at home till she heard a familiar voice swear, it was Jin like the others the darkness surprised her, the ninja held her sister's reaching hand trying to give her some comfort in her moment of fear." [color=00746b]You should do your best to not swear so often.[/color]" Emily spoke in a calm tone."[color=00746b] Father would be angry knowing you have a potty mouth.[/color]" She noticed that her sister's cellphone light wasn't helping with the situation and Naka just put a hand on her little sister's shoulder." [color=00746b]Jin don't feel afraid of the dark, there's nothing to be afraid of.[/color]" She attempted to calm her sister. Suddenly a voice from the darkness said that the darkness was only an illusion, hearing that Naka began to tense up a little hearing that the darkness she was just a mere illusion, out of the darkness another girl's voice spoke up taking about helping people see through the illusion, but before Nakajima could ask the girl to help her sister, Nakajima felt someone else's presence in front of her, and a mature woman's voice spoke to her saying she could help her out of the darkness."[color=00746b] Only if you help my sister as well, I wouldn't want her to be scared in the darkness forever.[/color]" She held out her other hand willing to take the mature woman's hand. [/quote] "I am not scared, dam- erm... darnit." Jin had to give her sister a win on that part at least. She cussed like a sailor when she was upset, so the fact that she was unsettled was obvious. Emily was also correct in thinking that her behavior would upset their father. He'd be disappointed to see her panic over something as unobtrusive as darkness. "I'm not afraid of the dark. Haven't been for years." Her sister's warm hand found her shoulder, and she lifted a hand to squeeze back. "I'm okay now, Naka-chan, I just-" Before Jin could finish speaking, someone started speaking in front of them. Immediately her hackles were up. It may have been dark, but she could still hear fine. This woman hadn't made any sound in her approach. The door hadn't opened, there were no footsteps - nothing. "I'm sorry, who are you?" She didn't put her hand out, and actually reached out to pull Naka's away from the stranger. This could easily be an enemy, but could also be a teacher. Being polite and wary wouldn't hurt.