William was taken aback by the talking dolphin and surprise crept on his face and then he realized he shouldn't be surprised. He was after all between super powered people , this thing was probably normal for them. So he smiled and said to Tito " [color=orange] Pleasure to meet you Tito or Beast Mode. Not sure how to call you. I'm William Explo or Boom if you want my super hero name. My parents gave it to me because of my power. [/color] " he stopped , he was afraid to use his powers when there was so many people around but then decided against it , he simply [i]had [/i] to make an impression. He pointed his hand up and ten butterflies , the size of his hands flew into the air and exploded ( like fireworks explosion , not like a bomb explosion ) filling the sky above with color. A wicked grin appeared on his face and continued " [color=orange] And I can do that. [/color] ". He noticed that Shiver came back from wherever she was and she looked a little sad. He moved towards her and said " [color=orange] Hey Shiver. First of all , great job keeping that plane up. Gave me enough time to save those people and thanks for letting me come with you , I never saved so many people at once. [/color] " he took a pause and continued " [color=orange] Is something wrong ? You look...distressed. I hope no one upset you. [/color] " at his last words he smiled and touched Shiver's shoulder. [@King Tai][@Wick]