[center][h3][color=#00FFFF]Orion Craft[/color][/h3] [b][Route 2][/b] [@EWillden][@Heckno12][@Sho Minazuki][@Tangletail] [hider=Team] [hider=Froakie] [h2][color=#01DFD7]Han ♂[/color][/h2] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/0/09/Froakie_XY.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140319091705[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Protean[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Level[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]12[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] N/A [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Bubble[/color] - [color=#FAFAFA]Lick[/color] - [color=#848484]Quick Attack[/color] - [color=#B45F04]Toxic Spikes[/color] [/hider] [hider=Ralts] [h2][color=#01DFD7]Aegis ♀ - Shiny[/color][/h2] [img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen6/xy-animated-shiny/280.gif[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Trace[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Level[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]9[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] Green Sash (no effect) [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#FA58D0]Confusion[/color] - [color=#58D3F7]Icy Wind[/color] - [color=#FA58D0]Teleport[/color] - [color=#848484]Double Team[/color] [/hider] [hider=Treecko] [h2][color=#01DFD7]Leif ♂[/color][/h2] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/treecko.gif[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Overgrow[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Level[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]14[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] Green Sash (no effect) [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#FE642E]Drain Punch[/color] - [color=#FAFAFA]Mega Drain[/color] - [color=#848484]Leer[/color] - [color=#A4A4A4]Iron Tail[/color] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Bag items:] 300P [hider=Items] x4 Pokeballs[/hider] [hider=Medicine] [/hider] [hider=Berries] [/hider] [hider=TMs][/hider] [hider=Key Items] x1 Pokedex x1 Holocaster x1 Notebook and Pencil[/hider] [/hider] After rolling around trying to fall asleep for a few hours, Orion gave up. He got up and walked off quietly, deciding to take a stroll. After a brief walk, he sat down, thinking about the events of the day before. The sight of the poisoned woman made him shiver. The train of thought disappeared when he saw the pokemon following him. He gave them a faint smile. After a sleepless night, Orion checked his holocaster to check the time. He stared at the projection for a moment before he realized the gym had opened some minutes ago. He quickly got up from the park bench he was sitting on. The sudden movement alerted Leif, Han and Aegis, all of whom quickly followed him to the gym. Once he arrived, he noticed that there was an ongoing battle inside, so he decided to wait while watching from the bleachers. After a few seconds, he glanced at the trainers, noticing the challenger. [hr] [color=#00FFFF]"Rylen!"[/color] After the match was concluded, Orion had run off to catch up with Rylen. He spoke with a joyful tone once he caught up to his friend. [color=#00FFFF]"Damn, that was a good match! Congratz!"[/color] [color=orange]"Oh! Thanks. You here to challenge the gym here too?"[/color], he asked. Larvitar was walking behind him looking quite triumphant. [color=#00FFFF]"Yup,"[/color] Orion responded with a determined visage, mimicked by the three pokemon following him. [color=#00FFFF]"I'll see you and the others back at camp once I'm done here! I should hurry before someone else gets my spot. See ya!"[/color] The young trainer turned and darted off to the gym. [hider=Orion vs Homer] At the time he arrived, there were no challengers inside. He walked in. [color=#00FFFF]"Hello? I'm here to challenge the gym leader!"[/color] [color=a36209]"Hm? Another challenger huh? Well looks like I've got a busy day. So kid, how many badges?"[/color], the gym leader was just stepping away from a healing machine in the back as he retrieved the team to turn to the new challenger. [color=#00FFFF]"This'll be my first gym battle,"[/color] Orion said as he turned to the gym leader with a wide grin and tired eyes. [color=a36209]"So these two again then",[/color] he said, holding up the two Pokeballs he recieved from the healing machine. [color=a36209]"You alright though? You seem a bit tired",[/color] like he was one to talk. He almost had the same tired eyes. Orion nodded. [color=#00FFFF]"I am, but I gotta pull through,"[/color] he said before lightly slapping himself. [color=#00FFFF]"We're all ready!"[/color] [color=a36209]"Well alright then, I guess I'll introduce myself before I forget. I'm Homer, Gym Leader of Dune Town",[/color] he said, as he stepped up to his side of the arena. He hit a few buttons and the electronic judge turned on, with a scoreboard on the large screen. [color=a36209]"Maybe I should just keep this guy on all day... I feel like I have a long day ahead. Alright kid, step up".[/color] Orion nodded and walked up to the challenger's side. He knelt and looked at Aegis. [color=#00FFFF]"For now, please watch. I want you to be at my side during our next gym challenge."[/color] Aegis nodded. The young man got up. [color=#00FFFF]"Alright, Han, let's get this rolling!"[/color] Han leapt out onto the field, ready for battle. [color=a36209]"Alright then, Drilbur, you're up",[/color] he announced, calling forth his Drilbur from his Pokeball. The Drilbur was like new after the healing machine. [color=#00FFFF]"Han, start with Bubble!"[/color] The Froakie inhaled, showing off its chest before spewing off a beam of bubbles at the Drillbur. [color=a36209]"Metal Claw, cut down the Bubble!"[/color], sure enough the Drilbur imbued it's claws with a glowing silver effect, and began to slice down the incoming bubbles with next to no damage taken as it made contact with it. [color=a36209]"Now charge in with a Mud Slap"[/color], Mud Slap wouldn't do much damage to Froakie, but the intention was not damage, it was to try and keep Froakie from running from Drilbur's claws. [color=#00FFFF]"Knock the Mud Slap from out of the air with Bubble!"[/color] Han shot bubbles at the ground attack, the attacks colliding. [color=#00FFFF]"Go for a Quick Attack before he gets a chance to attack!"[/color] Han leapt forward with great speed, aiming to tackle the Drilbur with the attack. [color=a36209]"Step right, and then Fury Swipes",[/color] as the Bubble and Mudslap collided, both Pokemon were obscured from each other in that moment, by stepping right, Drilbur was not where Froakie had anticipated, as the barrage of claws came at Froakie going for the punish. As the Froakie took the first hit from the Fury Swipes, Orion cried out. [color=#00FFFF]"Use Lick!"[/color] The next swing from the Fury Swipes went through the pokemon who'd changed its type into Ghost. Han swung out its long tongue to slap the Drillbur. [color=a36209]"Protean? Ohoho, I haven't seen that for a long time. Drilbur, forget Fury Swipes, Metal Claw!",[/color] Drilbur took the Link head on, but immediately after flinching a bit, it bounced back with two shining claws as it went straight back in. [color=#00FFFF]"Bubble again!"[/color] Now up close, Han shot the bubbles again, but leaving himself open for the Metal Claw. He had turned to a water type again, ready to take the hit. [color=a36209]"Don't let up, Metal Claw!"[/color], the Bubble had struck Drilbur right on, but so did the Metal Claw to the Froakie, and it was going for a combo strike as it went for yet another strike. [color=#00FFFF]"Use Quick Attack to counter! Don't let it push you back!"[/color] Han sprung forward from its hind legs to charge at the Drillbur as it went for the second Metal Claw. The Quick Attack landed before the Metal Claw, knocking Drilbur back a bit as it took the attack, but immediately would be able to strike the Froakie who landed itself in it's range. The Metal Claw knocked Han back as well. He quickly rolled to his feet. [color=#00FFFF]"Alright, retreat and use Toxic Spikes!"[/color] Han leapt back and shot forward purple spikes, scattering them all around the opponent's side. [color=a36209]"Mud Slap",[/color] the order was calm, he seems to have seen an opportunity, and that was the aforementioned ability on Froakie. The Mud Slap would sweep over some of the Toxic Spikes, and strike Froakie with Protean for super effective damage. Han fell back, knocked out. Orion's visage didn't change. [color=#00FFFF]"You did well, Han."[/color] He called the Froakie back to his pokeball. [color=#00FFFF]"Alright, Leif, we're not letting Han's effort go to waste! Jump in and use Mega Drain!"[/color] Leif ran onto the field and shot forward a green orb with higher speed than Han's previous attacks. [color=a36209]"Dodge it!",[/color] he would order, but with the damage taken earlier, it couldn't do it fully, and was hit with a graze as it was put to critical health. [color=a36209]"Fury Swipes!"[/color], Drilbur was definitely going to go down, but he may as well try and get as much damage out as possible before it did. The Drilbur went straight in with both it's claws. [color=#00FFFF]"Break through the attack with Iron Tail!"[/color] Leif leapt forward to meet it in the middle, swinging his steel tail to the Drilbur's attack. The Drilbur went down fairly easily as the Iron Tail connected, neither of it's claws had enough strength left to do anything about the Iron Tail. [color=a36209]"Good work Drilbur, rest a little... Now, Diglett, it's your turn"[/color], he returned the Drilbur to its Pokeball, before throwing out another, and sure enough a Diglett emerged. Although this time... It appears he was going to take the initiative. [color=a36209]"Submerge, and then Scratch"[/color], submerge was not an attack, but as he said that, the Pokemon disappeared below ground, and from there, it's movements were not detected. Shortly after that, it suddenly appeared behind the Treecko, a silver sharp wisp as it's Scratch attack came up for a surprise attack. [color=#00FFFF]"Quickly, dodge!"[/color] Leif moved to get away, but was grazed by the scratch attack nonetheless. [color=#00FFFF]"Counter with Mega Drain right away!"[/color] Leif shot the same green orb at the Diglett. [color=a36209]"Submerge again, then Sand Attack"[/color], the Diglett managed to avoid the Mega Drain, it had both the speed and time to react to it, as it disappeared again. Moments later, it appeared a ways off from the Treecko and hurled a wad of Sand at it with Sand Attack, aiming to obscure its vision. Hearing the crust of the ground break, Leif turned to the Diglett as it emerged. [color=#00FFFF]"Use Iron Tail to block the Sand Attack and slam the attack on the ground!"[/color] As the sand attack dispersed, the tunnels made under the ground over the previous battles and this one caved in. [color=#00FFFF]"Try Mega Drain again!"[/color] The Iron Tail slamming the ground may not have done any damage to Diglett, but it warded off the Sand Attack, and the vibrations stunned the Diglett temporarily, the Mega Drain that followed was only barely avoided. Fortunately it was not as fast as something like Absorb, but a clean hit from that would spell the end for a fragile Pokemon like Diglett. It's speed was its asset here, and it would continue to make use of that. The tunnels below, some had collapsed, but mostly in the area around Treecko, limiting it's fast options. [color=a36209]"Magnitude, and then Mud Slap",[/color] the Diglett would suddenly appear out of the Treecko's line of sight as it emerges not too far from its original position to have the moment to call on it's Magnitude. It seemed to have a mighty will, as it called a Magnitude 9. Treecko being a Grass type wouldn't take much damage from it normally, but 9 might be a bit dangerous. It was a move that affected all the ground, so those who could take to the air would not be affected. It may work against it though as Magnitude 9 was while stronger, definitely slower as well. [color=#00FFFF]"Kick off the ground with Iron Tail and bring it down on Diglett before it can move away!"[/color] After a moment in the tremor, Leif jumped slightly, and as he was landing, slammed his tail down, launching him up. He spotted the Diglett and dove towards it, spinning with the Iron Tail. [color=a36209]"What?!"[/color], a normal jump would not have made the leap to Diglett, but launching off the Iron Tail and coming down with that spinning momentum, letting the Magnitude continue going below the Treecko. As the Iron Tail connected, the Magnitude had ended. From pure force, the Diglett was stunned, [color=a36209]"Quick! Submerge again! Get away!"[/color], it was point blank range and as this order came out, the Diglett was staggered. This was a golden opportunity. [color=#00FFFF]"Don't let up! Mega Drain!"[/color] As the Treecko remained in suspension in the air for a moment, it threw the green orb at the diglett and landed. The Diglett was not able to get away. The Mega Drain while slow, did not have much distance to travel with the Treecko right in front of it, and just like that, it was defeated, while Treecko came out healthier than it started. As the Diglett was returned to it's Pokeball and the battle ended, Gym Leader Homer walked towards the young trainer. Orion stared at the scene for a moment before a wide smile appeared on his lips. [color=#00FFFF]"We did it!"[/color] Aegis seemed to be cheering as well while Leif ran towards the two. [color=#00FFFF]"You were great out there!"[/color] [color=a36209]"Indeed, you have the right mind for battling, a bit more work and even just Froakie alone would've been enough. Here, I confer to you your first badge of the Fordis League, the Desert Badge",[/color] as he was walking and talking, he pulled out a small case and pulled the badge from it. A beige badge with a design like sand dunes. After that, he pulled a small disk drive from the panel by the wall, which he interacted with shortly before walking over, [color=a36209]"And this TM too, it contains Dig. The move Dig should let your Pokemon avoid most attacks while surprising the opponent with an explosive ground attack. You could use it to escape from caves too... Also they don't expire, but I'm sure you know that already too",[/color] he explained. [color=a36209]"Anyways, good luck in your journey. I've got a lot of hope for the future of trainers, and it's not even lunch time",[/color] he joked. The battles that took place today were really something else after all, for new trainers it was quite a sight. From there, Orion was free to do as he pleased. Stay for whatever reason, or get moving along. [/hider] [hider=Team] [hider=Froakie] [h2][color=#01DFD7]Han ♂[/color][/h2] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/0/09/Froakie_XY.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140319091705[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Protean[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Level[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]13[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] N/A [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Bubble[/color] - [color=#FAFAFA]Lick[/color] - [color=#848484]Quick Attack[/color] - [color=#B45F04]Dig[/color] [/hider] [hider=Ralts] [h2][color=#01DFD7]Aegis ♀ - Shiny[/color][/h2] [img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen6/xy-animated-shiny/280.gif[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Trace[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Level[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]9[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] Green Sash (no effect) [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#FA58D0]Confusion[/color] - [color=#58D3F7]Icy Wind[/color] - [color=#FA58D0]Teleport[/color] - [color=#848484]Double Team[/color] [/hider] [hider=Treecko] [h2][color=#01DFD7]Leif ♂[/color][/h2] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/treecko.gif[/img] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Ability[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]Overgrow[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Level[/i][/color] [color=#2E9AFE]15[/color] [color=#FE9A2E][i]Item[/i][/color] Green Sash (no effect) [color=#FE9A2E][i]Moveset[/i][/color] [color=#FE642E]Drain Punch[/color] - [color=#FAFAFA]Mega Drain[/color] - [color=#848484]Leer[/color] - [color=#A4A4A4]Iron Tail[/color] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Bag items:] 1800P [hider=Items] x4 Pokeballs[/hider] [hider=Medicine] [/hider] [hider=Berries] [/hider] [hider=TMs] TM 28 - Dig [/hider] [hider=Key Items] x1 Pokedex x1 Holocaster x1 Notebook and Pencil[/hider] [/hider] [/center] [color=#00FFFF]"Dig!"[/color] Han jumped up and sunk into the ground. A few moments later, he emerged from where he'd disappeared. [color=#00FFFF]"You got the hang of this! Now, let's go to the others. I wonder how everyone is doing today... Come on, let's go meet up with the gang."[/color]